Thirty Seven

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"God it's so sunny here, I miss the cloudy weather." Valerie muttered to herself as she stuck her cherry lollipop back into her mouth, she was leaning casually against the trunk of the Mustang Carson provided them with, the sun was shining but the wind was crazy.

"Nick you almost done? What if these guys get here and they like smack me and steal all the coke while you're in there rummaging through the car." She said loudly gaining his attention which is what she wanted all along.

Nick sighed to himself, "Valerie they won't be here for a few more minutes now chill the fuck out."

Valerie groaned impatiently, she looked around the empty parking lot they were sent to.

After a 2 or 3 hour trip to Miami and another hour waiting at a sketchy and abandoned parking lot wasn't Valerie's idea of fun but she'd rather be here than back at that motel she began to hate.

Especially since last night where she lost her virginity in a bed that was probably used by hookers before.

Truth be told Valerie knew she had fell for Nick and that's why she currently felt so awful. She fell in love with him and she never felt that way about anyone, not even Wesley the man she thought was her prince charming, but no it was Nick. The knight in shimmering armor saving the locked up princess and taking her far away to live happily ever after.

But it was way more distorted and fucked up than she thought.

She blushed at the thought, but the sound of a click near her ear brought her back to reality. She turned and gasped in surprise, staring her in the face was the muzzle of a revolver, Nick's fingers graced the trigger, Valerie stood still almost frozen.

"Pop." Nick said playfully pointing it at her face directly, angrily she smacked it out of her face "Don't to that again." She said sternly, Nick nodded in seriousness then put it straight on her flesh; right on her temple. He pulled back the hammer with his thumb and the revolver clicked, Nick could feel the trigger harden, Valerie once again pushed it away from her face and growled something under her breath as she moved away from him. Nick scoffed, a he placed the revolver on the inside of his jeans right over his boxers, he pulled his V-Neck lower to conceal the gun.

Nick slowly yet quickly approached her, he forecfully grasped her arm and pulled her into him until there bodies were right against one anothers placing. Placing his arms around Valerie's waist, she smiled as she reached her hands around his neck. Nick backed her up onto the trunk of the car until her back was leaning down against it,

"Your outfit is driving me crazy." He whispered into her ear in a husky tone, she threw her head back, "What why?" She asked wondering what was wrong with it.

She was dressed in a simple yellow sundress that cut off at her thighs, then slightly below were her black knee socks accompanied by a pair of darker combat boots.

"It isn't off." He mumbled kissing below her ear then her jaw, she giggled and shut her eyes as he worked his way down to her neck affectionately.

His hands ruffled the bottom of the dress further and further up that Valerie could feel both his cold hands wrapped around her upper thighs.

Valerie opened her eyes, "Nick." She said softly, as she stared into the distance.

"Hmm?" He groaned in between kisses,

"Nick!" Valerie shrieked as she tried pushing him off of her, Nick stumbled back, then realized what she had been talking about, standing up straight and gaining his composure he ran a hand through his styled hair, it fell back into place.

The van approaching was the same van Carson described.

It was white with a large a logo on the side that said, ' Rat attack exterminators ' and a picture of a giant cartoon rat on the sides and hood.

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