Eighty Four

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Valerie's eyes gleamed with awe while she quietly observed upon at the man she loved.

His dark raven colored hair was falling everywhere in his face, his speech was slurred but he spoke like a messiah, a prophet from the streets, the large drunken smile on his face imprinting his dimples into the hollowness of his cheeks.

With every movement he made a small amount of red wine would fall onto his white t-shirt, he'd laugh from embarrassment and hide his face in his hands just like a child would. 

And Valerie would laugh too, sober, but she'd laugh at him, watching him as if he were a lone star in the dark night sky.

He was speaking too quick, tripping over his tongue like he always would, his mouth would never catch up with the thoughts in his mind. A true genius.

And though he was laughing, she could see right through him, see right through him right through his tough exterior, right through him speaking with such enthusiasm and excitement that she didn't notice his sad eyes.

His eyes were gray, a cold gray, a gray that would sometimes reflect and mimic the disastrous and rampant clouds of a violent storm.

But deep within those cold gray eyes existed his anger, the coated color of crimson red which were associated closely with the flames and hatred that were always surging throughout his veins. 

But she undeniably fell in love with bad guy with everything but innocence, a "Rolling Stone Boy" a "Never Sleep Alone Boy."

Nick grew quiet and sullen suddenly, he stopped speaking and clenched his jaw, looking down at the bottle of Pinot in his hand he frowned.

He hated when she stared at him, as if she was trying to read him, decipher ever fucked up thing about him.

"Stop looking at me." He suddenly demanded as he slipped off the bar stool to leave the dingy beach bar Valerie had told him to meet her at.

Holding onto her purse, she reached into her bag to leave a tip before she noticed the bag had tiny specks of blood on it.

She smiled at the sight.

For Valerie Laurent felt absolutely no remorse for the deadly sin she had committed earlier in the evening.

She enjoyed the fact that she had purged the life from such a disgusting human being, like she did the world a favor.

Coming back from her monstrous thoughts Valerie shuffled out from the bar to find Nick outside the bar leaning against the brick wall, a neon pink light above illuminating him as he stood there blankly staring out at the beach.

Nick utterly hated the beach.

His mother used to take him to La Push beach when he was younger back in Washington. She'd sit there and watch him as Nick refused to go near the water because he feared jellyfish. Instead he'd just sit with her on the sand and they'd build sand castles. And she'd laugh and in the sweetest voice say, "King is your last name for a reason."

The memory made him furious for a split second.

"I fucking hate my mom." He stated with a deep ominous laugh at the end.

Valerie approached him and took a hold of his arm, "Come on." She said softly as she tried to move Nick but he just pulled his arm back.

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