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Seated alone on a pleasant orange lounge chair watching people pass by somewhat brought comfort to the 17 year old girl.

She was alone because when Nick and herself arrived at Marco's club about an hour ago, Nick, Jesse and Liam all got together and disappeared to go over the fight.

She hummed a dark tune lightly to herself even though the loud music and chatty people in the club drained out any kind of time for self concentration.

She lifted the plastic water bottle to her parted lips and took a long drink before placing it back down onto the glass table before her.

She gasped a bit when she noticed Carson, the drug dealer they owed money too chatting it up with the bartender across the room.

"Having fun?" A familiar dark voice echoed through the music and into Valerie's ears.

She looked up to see Marco glaring down at her with his deep brown eyes, Jesse stood beside Marco with his arms folded against his chest casually.

"I'm worried." Valerie answered loudly as she went looking back down at her water bottle.

"Why? He's in the back getting ready he seems fine." Marco reassured, Jesse frowned at him knowing that was not the case.

"It's just he's so stupid for doing this, he shouldn't be." She stated,

Jesse scratched the back of his neck nervously whilst Valerie and Marco spoke, he bounced foot to foot while beads of sweat trickled down his face.

"Princess he'll be fine I swear it, kid can pack a punch." Marco said confidently.

Valerie shook her head, "No he's selfish." She claimed mindlessly.

Marco glared down at her hard.

"Selfish?" Marco shook his head in disbelief, "You're the selfish one."

"No I'm not."

"Valerie face the fucking facts, it's all your fault Nick's here. It's all your fault you gambled away your money and he had to make and sell drugs for me, it's your fault he's become crazy lately, it's your fault he owes Carson money, it's your fault he's hooked on cocaine, and it's your fault he's about to get fucking slaughtered in that fighting ring because he isn't mentally nor physically strong to fight such a huge guy." Marco said towards her honestly.

He knew he wasn't Nick's bestfriend but he did come to like the guy, he was loyal and hard working and he showed that he was willing to go the extra mile for someone he really loved which was Valerie and for that Marco thought Valerie was ungrateful.

Valerie stayed silent, she balled both her hands into fists. She didn't know whether to cry about it or hurt Marco. Either way she knew he was right but she didn't want to accept it.

Feeling her chest get heavy Valerie shot up from the couch and lifted her hand to hit Marco but he grabbed her arm before her fist could even touch him.

"Let me go because I swear to God I'll fucking burn your house down you stupid asshole!" She shouted, Marco gently let her arm go and slowly walked away until he disappeared into a crowd leaving a now crying Valerie and guilty Jesse behind.

Jesse stayed quiet while he watched Valerie cry, she would mutter something to herself then continue to cry.

He cleared his throat, "Valerie there's something I have to tell you about Nick."

Valerie shook her head, "I don't want to hear it, I'm going home."

"You're not going to stay and watch his fight?" He asked timidly, Valerie shook her head.

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