It was when Vanessa showed up that morning a few hours after Valerie had left that Nick's guilt set in completely.
It was when Vanessa apologized to him for being stuck up that Nick felt strange.
It was when they both went back home and she cooked him a breakfast that he realized how he wanted Valerie out of his life forever.
It was when Vanessa kissed him that Nick realized he loved her too much to lose her.
And when she clearly said those three words to him. He muttered them back to her.
He muttered them. But he felt it.
He felt how much she appreciated him. How much he appreciated her.
And even as they had currently sat there on their couch, a small unconscious part of Nick felt uneasy.
Uneasy because that small unconscious part was worried, worried for Valerie.
But even he didn't know that.
He just had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Babe look!" Vanessa exclaimed when a commercial for a jewelry store came on.
"Aren't they beautiful?" She cried out staring at the engagement rings being shown.
Nick looked at Vanessa strangley.
She pouted until he smiled, "Engagement?"
She nodded, he shook his head right after.
"Me, moving in with you, giving up drinking, smoking, doing Nick shit wasn't enough commitment?"
She glared, pushing away from him she was now at the other side of the couch on her knees while her arms were crossed against her chest in defiance.
"Nick shit?" She repeated, "That is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That 'Nick shit' is what kills you. If it wasn't for me finding you a long ass time ago you'd probably be dead. If not from being killed probably from liver failure or fucking overdosing."
Vanessa couldn't fathom it at that point.
She had done so much for him. She felt so unappreciated.
She could recall almost 2 years ago when her friend Stephanie dragged her out to a party with her other friend Ava.
This party wasn't even a social gathering but something out of Vanessa's element.
The house it was being thrown at was small and disgusting. It smelled like weed and sweat mixed together. Vanessa could recall the drunken idiot who spilled a cup of what was probably off brand Whiskey on her.
He laughed stupidly, not even apologizing.
"You have got to be kidding me right now! What is your problem!"
Still the guy kept laughing at the girls misfortune, Vanessa looked out into the crowd hoping to find her friends but couldn't due to the large crowd.
She wanted to cry. And she did.
"For fucks sake." He mumbled to himself as he took her by the wrist and dragged her almost forcibly to the nearest restroom.
"Who are you to touch me! I will call the police, you will be-"
"Shut the fuck up, and here." The guy said handing her his t-shirt.
She stared at him. Body covered in tattoo's.
"Your tattoo's are pointless." She said rubbing the tshirt over herself.

General FictionHe speaks as if he knows everything, he trips over his own tongue like the intelligent person he is. The lingering taste of vodka and whiskey taint his sinful chapped lips. When he walks he stumbles, he smells like nicotine and he's cold. Ice reside...