"For a lanky motherfucker, this dude really knows how to fight." Marco avowed while he carried the unconscious Nick into the motel room where he dropped his limp noodle of a body on top of one of the two double beds.
Marco exhaled loudly catching his breath, his heavy gaze landed on Valerie's face, he analyzed the worried look written over it as she stared at Nick.
"You love him don't you?" He hummed, Valerie turned to scowl at him,
"He's my best friend. And he's hurt what the fuck do you think?" She snapped,
Marco sucked on his teeth, placing his hands on his waist a smug grin tugging at the corner of his lips, "Damn." He muttered under his breath.
Valerie rolled her eyes, "Look I'm sorry, I'm sorry we showed up at your house and caused trouble, and I'm sorry you had to drive us here and bring that giant metal safe with you to."
Marco lifted his hands above his head, he made a surrendering motion.
"Look, you're cool and everything but my dad was the one who asked me to drive you two and he was the one who gave me that safe."
By the door of the motel room, a medium sized metal safe sat.
"What's in it anyways?" Valerie asked looking over at it.
Marco shrugged, "Dad told me he didn't even know. Petunia had it already when she had met him."
Valerie licked her bottom lip, "So why is it here?"
"He said that if Nick opens it, he can have whatever is inside."
She sighed, "Fucking great." She murmured under her breath.
Marco looked at the time, it was almost 8pm, "Hey listen, I have to be somewhere later tonight. You should stop by."
"No." She deadpanned disappearing in the restroom then emerging with a first aid kit in her hand, a big red cross on the front of it.
"Fine then at least give me a call." He wrote his number down on a sheet of paper then ripped it into a tiny piece.
He handed it to Valerie who was know sitting criss cross apple sauce on the bed with Nick's head in between her legs.
Valerie stared at the piece of paper and scoffed making a fist she crumpled it and tossed it onto the floor right in front of Marco.
He sighed, making his way towards the exit of the room.
"Bye." He chimed, opening then shutting the door behind him.
Nick's vision slowly came back, blurry but then it was all there. He groaned, then winced as he felt alcohol burn the cuts on his face.
"Don't move." Valerie demanded calmly, he frowned up at her.
He recalled the moments prior to being knocked out.
He cringed. He didn't know how to feel, all he really wanted was to see his mother and make amends but she was dead.
"You okay?" Valerie asked gazing into his cool stare, he looked away swiftly.
He didn't want her to see the pain in his eyes, eyes are the window to the soul and even though he believed his was long gone. It wasn't. It was in there, frozen underneath neglect and pure hatred.
"Well if it makes you feel better. Marco's dad sent that safe by the door, said if you could open it you can have what's in it."
Suddenly thrown down violently on the bed accidentally by Nick who stood up, Valerie propped herself up on her elbows and watched as he dug into his pockets until he took a key out, he examined it.
Slowly crouching down he inserted the key into the slot and twisted it, he swallowed his saliva, his jaw clenched as he opened it.
This safe had a significant meaning, not much a meaning but a nostalgic feeling. His mother had it since forever, before she abandoned him he would watch her store jewelry and papers in there.
Two pieces of paper sat at the end of the safe and nothing more.
He could clearly recognize his mother's penmanship.
Beautiful neat cursive.
"16 years old. Happy birthday. I know it's been a while since I've written you and I know the last thing you need is your mother coming back into your life after not hearing from me in so long and truthfully I don't know if I should send this or not. But I just wanted to apologize to you. I wasn't a good mom. I left you. I abandoned you and I don't know why I still feel so guilty but I do, that's the point of this letter. So I could get over my own guilt. And now you're old enough to know the truth. I've always battled with depression, even when I had you Nick, I didn't want you. But you grew on me and I knew I had a responsibility it was more obligation than love. Once I had your half brother I realized that my love for him was stronger than the love I ever had for you. I don't want you to think I hate you or anything but leaving you and your father was the best decision ever, I know it was selfish and I can't change the past but the guilt is never ending I need you to forgive me for my own sake to feel more at ease, I will enclose up to $2,000 for you. Maybe money will make up for my absence. Love, Petunia Hernandez Young."
The paper crumpled in between, in his fist. He reached into the safe and dangerously smiled at the check he held in his hand. Her handwriting again.
"Nick?" Valerie whispered,
No response he felt so numb all he could feel was himself tearing the flimsy check apart.
Without another word he stood up and left the room.
"Nick!" Valerie exclaimed loudly rushing to the door, she opened it but saw nothing more but a empty parking lot and a the dingy motel sign that flickered on and off with an annoying buzzing sound.
"He walked off into the dark, I doubt you'll find him."
Valerie jumped at the sound of the thick voice, behind her stood Marco, his hands in his pockets as he stared into the dark distance where Nick supposedly ran off into.
Skeptical but knowing that when Nick didn't want to be bothered you shouldn't bother him she relaxed.
"I thought you left?" She said silently, turning around to face him.
"No I had a feeling he'd do something stupid and I just wanted to stick around make sure he didn't hurt you."
Valerie rolled her eyes, "I can take care of myself." She murmured walking back into the motel room, closing the door he forcefully opened it with his hand.
Her eyes hardened in anger onto his, he chuckled deeply, "Look, I'm a good guy, I won't feel right leaving you alone here so why don't you come with me for a drink or something."
"I'm underage."
"Not where we're going."
Flourished Valerie shrugged, "Why not." She gave in knowing Nick wouldn't be back any time soon and she'd rather be out and about than stay back and be worried sick.

General FictionHe speaks as if he knows everything, he trips over his own tongue like the intelligent person he is. The lingering taste of vodka and whiskey taint his sinful chapped lips. When he walks he stumbles, he smells like nicotine and he's cold. Ice reside...