1 Year and 8 Months Later:
Vanessa's hard laughter caused her nose to crinkle up when she threw her head back in delight, using her small hands she managed to push her boyfriend off of her but he didn't let her get away for too long, before she knew it his tight grasp pulled her in by the hips and her body was against his, he proceeded to aggressively attack her neck with his lips spreading sloppy kisses all over her.
"Stop, Nick!" She whined she managed to release her arms from his hold and tugged at his dark and styled hair. Laughing Nick let her go when she continued to tussle his hair.
"I told you to stop." She sang as her laughter subsided, Nick glared at her with a small smile painted his face, he ran his hands through his hair to make it better but it was impossible to see what he looked like without a mirror.
"I'm gonna fuck you up when we get back home." Nick hissed at his girlfriend before draping his arm heavily on her shoulders. The couple walked close to one another as they walked through the overly crowded fairgrounds.
For miles all that could be seen was the large crowd of people, the bright lights coming from the rides and the enticing smell of unhealthy food wafting up their nostrils.
"I want a turkey leg." Vanessa stated randomly, Nick looked at her as if she was crazy.
"You just ate a deep fried Twinkie." He retorted, Vanessa scoffed,
"I can eat whatever I want whenever I want."
Nick sighed as Vanessa let go of him, she bounced from foot to foot waiting for him to give her cash.
Pulling out a money clip, he gave her $20 dollars from it, she took it inbetween her perfectly manicured finger tips and then went on her tiptoes to give Nick a kiss on the cheek before running off to wait in the long line for a turkey leg.
Nick stood his distance and let his steel colored eyes wander around his surroundings.
He sighed when he noticed a malt stand calling his name. He was desperately craving a strawberry milkshake.
"Nes, I'll be back." He shouted, Vanessa who was standing in the long line to order gave him a peace sign before turning her attention back onto her phone screen.
Nick squinted while he read the menu that was within the malt stand, in front of him was a girl ordering something as well. Taking a few steps closer to read the sign he momentarily felt a cool liquid seeping through his hoodie, his head immediately snapped down to look at the milky pink substance penetrate his black hoodie until he felt the wetness touching his skin.
"I'm so sorr-" The girl began but then stopped mid sentence.
Nick immediately felt his blood pressure rise up and his blood boil, "Are you fucking kiddin-"
He stopped talking once he looked at the person.
Staring back at him were the same pair of stunning eyes he hadn't seen in almost 2 years.
One the color of the treacherous ocean.
The other the color of a wavering amber field.
Nick's lips dried up, and his throat became numb, he could feel his heart beating quickly while blood pulsated quickly throughout his veins.
He couldn't believe that after almost 2 years without seeing her, here she was again. The same way he had always remembered her.
Valerie's eyes flickered away, she quickly grabbed a bunch of napkins from the counter of the stand and began to scrub at the milkshake she spilt on his hoodie.

General FictionHe speaks as if he knows everything, he trips over his own tongue like the intelligent person he is. The lingering taste of vodka and whiskey taint his sinful chapped lips. When he walks he stumbles, he smells like nicotine and he's cold. Ice reside...