Valerie, chained up by her ankles and wrists to an uncomfortable metal chair in the midst of an empty white room kept herself from showing any type of emotion.
The woman who had walked in had back length curled honey blonde hair and emerald colored eyes that seemed to accompany the warm faux smile she flashed Valerie as she inched closer to her.
A knife in her hand as she approached the manic girl while her Christian Louboutin's clicked on the white linoleum floor with each step taken.
The woman crouched in front of Valerie who was still expressionless, Valerie in all truth felt nothing but agonizing boredom at that very moment.
She wasn't scared, nor was she angry. She was just bored.
So when the woman placed her hand to cup onto Valerie's cheek, Valerie felt her blood begin to boil.
"Your eyes," The blonde began to speak, her voice heavily accented, "They're so beautiful."
The voices in her head began to shriek in panic, all of them in unison but Valerie still had some fight in her to keep a plain face.
Retreating her hand away from Valerie's face the blonde woman swayed the knife she had in her hand right in front of Valerie's face, "Do you know why you're here sweet girl?" She asked, her face shaping itself into a scowl.
Valerie still refused to speak, she wasn't going to give in, she didn't even know the woman in front of her.
The woman sighed then let out a small chuckle, "I was really hoping it wouldn't have had to come to this."
Standing completely upright, she reached into her back pocket to pull out a cellphone where she momentarily took a few seconds to dial a number, "Turn it on." She sternly said into it before shoving her phone back into her pocket.
Suddenly in front of Valerie on a wall the large flatscreen TV turned on and to her horror Valerie could see her friends being barbarically tortured.
"What are they-" She began to hyperventilate, her chest rising up and down in pure panic as she looked at the television streaming a live video of both Marco and Jesse suspended to the ceiling with chains on their wrists whilst they dangled over a vat of what seemed to be acid.
Valerie shook her head, and to see the horror on the girls face brought immense joy to the woman.
"They're torturing them!" Valerie screamed out, lunging forward only to be hurt by the constricting chains.
The woman morbidly chuckled, "Valeriá, do you know the term occhio per occhio?"
Valerie stayed silent as she watched in horror as one of the two men on the screen wrapped a barbed wire around Marco's leg.
Marco seemed to have screamed but the sound was muted. Valerie felt her stomach churn at the sight of her friends bloody and bruised.
The woman rolled her eyes right before heading towards the television to manually turn it off.
"You killed my husband," She whispered loud enough for Valerie to hear, "You killed him and you got away with it you little slut!" She shouted, gripping the knife harder.
Valerie wasn't scared, she was just worried for her friends, "If you want to kill me fine but don't hurt them, don't kill them for something I did."
The blonde woman shook her head slowly, "I'm not going to kill them, I know who Marco is affiliated with back home and I know his father is a major drug dealer, he would wipe out the Gambetti Syndicate in a flash."

General FictionHe speaks as if he knows everything, he trips over his own tongue like the intelligent person he is. The lingering taste of vodka and whiskey taint his sinful chapped lips. When he walks he stumbles, he smells like nicotine and he's cold. Ice reside...