"Valerie you almost hit that fucking deer." Nick screamed trying to grab a grip of the steering wheel, abruptly stepping on the breaks Valerie caused Nick to let go of the wheel making his body roughly and effortlessly hit the glove compartment.
"But I didn't so shut up." She replied, adjusting her sunglasses.
"This is why we've almost crashed twice, it's fucking dark and you're wearing sunglasses."
Valerie shrugged, stepping on the gas pedal the car sped up 60 mph above the speed limit.
"Valerie pull this fucking car over now."
"No! You said I could drive." She pouted, easing up on the gas pedal.
"You're not driving you're taking this as a joke."
"So what? You drive reckless." She protested.
Sitting back in the passenger seat Nick ran his hand through his face, a loud sigh escaped the 18 year old's lips in annoyance and irritability.
It was there 2nd almost 3rd day of nonstop driving. Meaning neither of them had taken a shower. They had a time limit of 5 minutes or less for bathroom breaks, gas, or food stops.
Nick had only slept 4 hours total in 3 days and today he let Valerie drive so he could catch up on sleep, even though it was obvious that the girl didn't even know how to drive. She was just winging it. And quite badly.
At least they were almost out of Nebraska. Once they reach the outskirts of Missouri they'd probably rent a motel room and stay there for a day. Just so Nick can catch up on his sleep. He had it all planned out, that is only if Valerie's driving didn't kill them first.
"Please, pull over." He pleaded again,
"Only if we eat first."
Nick sighed, "Fine just pull over."
"Okay." Valerie said simply, but stepping hard on the breaks Nick jolted forward, hitting his on the glove compartment he heard a giggle escape Valerie's mouth.
"Oops." She said innocently earning herself a dirty glare from the angry guy.
"Okay," Valerie climbed on the hood of the car, she adjusted herself to sit criss cross apple sauce right next to Nick, digging into the plastic bag she brought with her she began to name off the products, "We have barbecue chips, a pack of sugar cookies, beef jerky, and a big bottle of diet mountain dew."
"Diet mountain dew?" Nick questioned taking the bottle from her hand.
"Yeah, it's so good, you should try it."
Nick shook his head.
Taking a bite of jerky Valerie began to hum a song.
Nick watched her intensely and couldn't help but unintentionally smile. He didn't even know he was doing it until she turned to face him with an arched eyebrow she swallowed the food in her mouth, "Um what are you looking at?"
Nick frowned again, "Nothing, just you're um, you're wearing a tank top and shorts but it's like 50 degrees out here." He stuttered.
Valerie looked down at her clothes, she was cold but Grace didn't pack her any warm clothes.
"Grace didn't pack any sweaters or anything, plus the hoodie I had on from the mental hospital has Siracha sauce all over it." She admitted with a small giggle at the end.
I can keep you warm, Nick thought to himself.
Taking off his black leather jacket he held it out to her.
"The fuck?" She questioned.
"Just take it you're gonna catch a cold."
"But then you'll be cold."
Her eyes glimmered whilst a small smile formed on her pouty lips as she reached out to grab his jacket and at that moment, Nick had a feeling he never felt before. He felt safe. This girl was doing something to him and he didn't know how to feel about it.
She was so authentic, her voice, her eyes, her personality.
He stared unintentionally again as she wrapped her body into his large fitting jacket.
He liked how her messy bun had strands of her chocolate hair sticking out everywhere like she just got electrocuted, the wind blowing the strands in her face getting caught in the fiber of her pink lips.
Those lips.
He wanted them against his so badly, they formed so perfectly across face. Just one taste would satisfy Nick.
"Nick? Are you okay?"
Looking away quickly he shrugged, "I think so."
"You're kind of dazing off."
Nick scoffed, "You're imagining things." He said blatantly leaning back to lay down on the cars windshield.
"Sure." Valerie murmured laying beside him, she stared at the stars and how bright and clear they looked, each of them gleaming brightly.
But while she admired and watched the stars, Nick watched and admired her.
Valerie outshines the stars and the moon and everything because she was just so amazing. But he couldn't accept that.
Nick didn't want to fall for her.
He just didn't.
They were so different that it'd just end up in one of them getting hurt.
"What do you think Wesley is doing right now?" She asked softly while a car with its high beams on drove by.
Annoyed Nick didn't reply.
But instead sat up on the hood of the car, "Fuck." He murmured running a hand through his messy hair.
Ew idk boring chapter next chapter will be exciting tho Promise! Thanks for sticking around if you still have lmao! Love you all!

General FictionHe speaks as if he knows everything, he trips over his own tongue like the intelligent person he is. The lingering taste of vodka and whiskey taint his sinful chapped lips. When he walks he stumbles, he smells like nicotine and he's cold. Ice reside...