Part 1

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Authors Note Just to preface, this story is God awful. I wrote it when I was 9 and it's bad, there's no storyline or anything. The ONLY reason I still have this awful thing up is that it is nostalgic.

Percy P.O.V

The whip cracked down upon my back. I writhed in pain wishing to cry out, but the pain was so immense that I didn't have the energy. I bit my lip as the whip came down thrice more. It kept coming and coming, it hurt more not knowing when it would stop. 

"Why won't you cry out?" His hot breath brushed my ear. "No one is here to see your limp body and hear your puny cries," Tartarus' evil voice whispered in my ear. I shook my head frantically not trusting my voice. "No? That's too bad, but fear not I know what will get you to scream."

He snapped his fingers and in marched a bunch of cyclops, my friends in their clutches, still bashed up and bloody from the giant war. One stepped forward with a scythe and Nico. Tartarus took the scythe and grabbed my face.

"Look closely, see this boy? Imprisoned in a room where shadows were forbidden." With that, he swung the scythe beheading my little cousin. Despite my lack of energy I screamed in agony pulling on my bindings trying in vain to rush forward to hold his lifeless body. "Finally his cries are mine, I broke the great Son of the Sea!"

He continued through the line of my friends, stabbing Piper, drowning Leo, beheading Hazel, burning Franks stick, whipping Jason to death. Each death was more devastating than the last. Then he came to Annabeth, her haunted stormy eyes glaring daggers at the man who had just murdered her family.

The chains finally collapsed under the strain, pooling at my feet. I pushed past the cyclops running to my love, clutching her tightly to my chest. She wrapped her arms around my torso holding tightly listening to me babble about how much she meant to me, how sorry I was about everything as we slowly sank to the ground.

"I love you Wise girl," I sobbed. Her grip tightened, then she pulled away cupping my chin in her hand.

"I love you too, I'll see you soon seaweed brain." My pathetic sobs ceased, my eyes widened in realization. From her back an arrow protruded from her spine, she coughed up blood, spitting it all over my lap, but I didn't care. I rocked her against my chest as silent tears spilt down my cheeks.

"I...Love...You." She said gasping for air. "Move...on...-" She breathed another word so quiet it slipped past my ears. Her beautiful grey eyes dimmed, a small smile played at her lips as I gently pressed my lips ageist her cold ones. I cried squeezing her lifeless body in my arms.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. I holding her lifeless body in my lap. She just stared blankly up at me. I didn't remember anything else from that day, other than the fact they had to wrestle her carcase from me.

After that day I was punished every time I let my tears fall. Every time I awoke screaming from a nightmare. I learned how to further shut myself off. How to hang limply as excruciating pain lay like a blanket over me. How to bury my grief deep inside my heart.

Everyday when they were done I was unchained and thrown to the ground. The cement cracked on impact. I lay still knowing they will leave me alone if I didn't move. They did.

The next day I was to be transported to a hideout in the swamps of TX. I lay on the cracked cement. My ribs crying out, my blood streaming down my skin in rivers. Every few days they would send in a kind-hearted person, they would clean and bandage my wounds keeping infection at bay. I pitied them, torn from their normal lives to care for dying victims.

The door creaked open. I glanced up ignoring the pain. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He walked over, laying out his tools and began to wash my wounds with rubbing alcohol, water, and vinegar. I bit my tongue until I tasted the metallic lifeline liquid.

"You are doing better than last time." He said kindly as he wrapped up my wounds. He said nothing else. After he left I closed my eyes hoping to just die, praying for some deity to descend upon me and end my misery. Then again the gods are never that kind.

I woke to an ugly face in mine. In his hands was a syringe. I attempted to push away from him except I was being held down. After everything that had happened to me, it wasn't a surprise I had become terrified of needles, unsure of the contents and what chemical imbalances it could cause.

I thrashed trying desperately to get away. He held my arm steady pushing the needle into my bicep. I let out a scream as the burning liquid entered my bloodstream. I began to panic, unable to think or breathe. My vision blurred, I gasped for air.

"Hope the move's not too bumpy." His voice was ominous,  as darkness fogged my vision.

"W...What?" I made out just before I fell limp, they poisoned me again.

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