Part 21

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All I could feel was pain all I could see was the black and red of pain. I saw him he hurt me. My eyes burned my ears screamed my arms were bloody. That was only my side I could suddenly see something, Iron man reaching out crying out for Elaine. It's been a few weeks neither Tony or Elaine has come back or called or anything. I seriously wanted to sit down and cry. I stayed up as long as I could not wanting to miss either of them coming back or calling. I was also afraid of the nightmares. I prayed to the gods they would go away but I highly doubt they could let alone want to.

" Percy." A soft hand was placed on my back." You need to sleep." I recognized that voice I spun around. Tony was behind the cough I was sitting on his hand on my shoulder to keep me from falling.

" I've been telling him that for a long time." Steve said entering slowly. I craned my head and looked behind them." What's the matter?"

" Elaine?" My voice was gruff and almost gone. Tony looked at the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes.
"Wh-what happened?" I was on the brink of breaking down. Steve knelt in front of me, grasping my chin making me look at him. In the swirling blue eyes so intense and deep I wished not to look.

" Percy...we did her no harm." He paused looking me in the eyes to make sure I was listening." Her memories were taken, and before you start screaming, it was because her mind was so dark and full and horrifying she wanted to end it. We were trying to help her. We gave her her innocence back!"

" Percy do you understand why we had to do it? You do understand she was afraid afraid to eat or sleep. She was so informed about humanity and the darkness of it it was slowly killing her." Tony said. I harshly ripped away from their grasp. I did understand I understood more than they knew more than they needed to know. I looked around. 

" Yo-you need t-to take m-m-m-me b--ba-back....." I stuttered tears spilling harshly over my eyelids. They stared confused." L-lo-lock m-m-m-me u-up." I stood falling over immediately. I hit my head and gave out a loud cry. I was over exhausted and very emotional I started to full out sob right there on the floor.

" PERCY!" Someone yelled. I may have been a criminal but I guess some people understand I am still a teenager. That was the first time I actually cried. I actually mourned for Annabeth and Piper and all of them It was the first time I let it all out in a flood of emotion. I had let out the anger before I had let out the frustration but never had I let out the sadness of it all.

I fell asleep at some point because I woke to something soft. It was wrapped around me I snuggled deeper. Something was touching my chest. It was soft like a teddy bear. I clutched it close. I heard a soft giggle I bolt up scarred there was something or someone here. I was in a cell, I had a soft fuzzy thick blanket it was a pillow I had been clutching and the giggle came from the other side of the room. The cell was HUGE big enough to fit another standard cell inside. And that's what they did because why not?

In the cell was a girl Tattoos that seemed to tell a story littered her skin. She was chained by cuffs and chains falling from the ceiling of the cage keeping her suspended in the air. She was cackling and muttering to herself. She was moving around doing acrobat stuff.

" ya he dose sleep a lot." She muttered then turned twords me I back up. Her eyes were pure black and had a smile ether drawn on with red marker like a child or had makeup smeared or just plain carved it into her face." Morning! I was really happy when they gave me you!" I nervously smiled.

" Hi.....who are you?" I asked. She smiled wider but didn't answer." Okay then...I'm Percy." She started to laugh. I stood and walked closer slowly as if she was a scared animal. 

" Your cute! Why you here?" She asked turning to fully face me." I like having a younger person here. That means....what dose it mean?"

" You will die from anoya because I am a teenager most people think I'm nuts anyway." I said sarcastically. She gasped.

" Me to! They said the voices I hear are making me do bad things all I did was go on a date!" She said I stepped closer and peered into her face as she flipped and spun.

" You look like someone that would try and steal my car." I muttered to myself and if she herd she gave no hint that she had herd." How can I tell you just ain't a physio?" I took another step not thinking about what could happen if I got to close. 

" But I am....I can't be something I'm not....who are you?" She asked.

" Honestly?" I asked." I don't know I lost everything I've ever known."

" I killed everything I ever knew!" She cackled. I slowly backed away." It was fun until big boys took me away. And you?"

" Ya you crazy." I muttered." I blew up a few national monuments trying to save a...few...people I love. But all are basically dead now so." She started to laugh. Her laugh kind of made me shudder." Who are you the daughter of the joker?" I hissed.

" No! But I wish. He could have shown me how to properly do things like annoy people." She sighed. This girl was nuts. I sat on the bed the rest of the day well until I got bored then I started to I could. There was a punching bag in the corner that I bet the shit out of and I did pushups. When that got boring to I tried to sleep but that didn't work either.

Someone came in but I payed no heed to whoever it was. A hand clamped over my shoulder. they pinned me to the bed tieing my hands and feet to the bedposts. Now I was fully awake and not at all happy. I started screaming forcing memories away.

" KID!" A voice illuminated the dark. I struggled less but I had no idea who it was. The girl called.

" They do this every night. You can't fall asleep without this." The phyo girl laughed. My vision cleared I saw a handsome tan face above me. Blue eyes held annoyance this man was about my age maybe older he had a hand on my neck he was looking at his watch when he was satisfied he removed his hand and pressed an ear to my chest he then left slamming the door.

My breathing slowed it was freezing and there was no blankets. Well there were but my thick warm blanket was on the floor because of my thrashing. The dreams were not as bad tonight. I dreamt of many horrible things true like death and pain and when Tartarus tapped into my dream to inflict physical and mental pain he didn't whip or cut me and stuck to his mind tricks and kicking.

I was on the floor in seconds whimpering trying to force myself awake." You can't wake up now!" Tartarus smiled evily." I'm not done." But before he could inflict to much damage I awoke with a start.

I sat up gasping. I looked around. I was still in the cell the psycho girl asleep but voices still floated around. I realized it was outside. I looked towards the door expecting there to be a normal barred door but instead it was a iron door the lock on the outside a slide window open near the top.

" I swear I heard screaming from in there." Someone said. I hurd another person sigh.

" Fine well close it again we can't have the prisoners start to get thoughts." He said. My mind went a million miles per hour. I started to yank on the head board. screaming as loud as I could. Then the unexpected happened.

I literally just saw the Suicide Squad trailer and I kind of put Percy in a cell with someone like Harley Quinn. Sorry Percy but ya.Is it weird that no matter what I could not like place Percy's face or appearance like I knew it and all but I was like 'how' now I know. In my mind I see Percy like Joey Graceffa, before he died his hair. Is that weird? What about you? Anyway so I have been trying to perfect this and all so I'm sorry it took so long plus I have been watching Shane Dawson Joey Graceffa and all so...ya I'm lazy so anyway.

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