Part 11

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For a few weeks I went to the Air Force training seeing Elaine and going to BORING school. I mean the lessons were fine and the homework was minimal but the teachers SUCKED!!!

I was walking to Air Force training, Elaine walked in late she stood in the doorway shooting her gun. She dogged some bullets as everyone else hid, me on the other hand ran out the back and peeked around the corner to see a bunch of men with tattoos shooting at Elaine. I stood ready to help.

Her bullets flew threw the air hitting the men but you could tell she was trying to only hit them and not kill.

" Drop the gun darling." One shouted. In response Elaine shot at him grazing his arm. her gun was shot out of her hands I saw in the distance Major Russell come with a gun, beside her was Sargent Gilligan. The leader ran twords Elaine grabbing her as the others started to shoot at Major Russell and Sargent Gilligan.

" NO!!" Elaine screamed as the leader ran with her in his arms twords the black van. The Major and Sargent were preoccupied with the gang but was getting progress. I ran at Elaine and the leader. I tackled them only to get a gun to the head. I grasped my sword, it was steel so it would be able to hurt them.

" Oh no a sword." The man fake whimpered." No one has been able to use one in a hundred years."

" I can do more damage with a sword then you can with a gun." I growled.

" I am a master at a gun." He bragged." No one is better then me."

" I am just as good with a gun then with a sword." I answered." Stop stalling. What do you want from her?"

" Not just her, why do you think I chased her here?" He asked. It dawned on me.

" You don't want just her," I mumbled." You want me as well."

" Good." He answered as two men from the truck jumped down from the roof on top of me.

" Let me go." I growled as my sword was thrown across the rode and I was forced on my knees. They had me in an odd position making shore I couldn't move.

I closed my eyes hearing Elaine's calls. I opened my eyes as I was pushed into the car. Elaine tried to escape out of fear so many times she was handcuffed to the seat and sat on. I was tied and cuffed and wayed down with avails. and the odd part is they did this all in like 2 minuets.

Elaine was right behind me there was a gun at her head an a knife at my hart. We came to a big house in a suburban neighborhood. The car was pulled out to the back of a small rundown house. They pulled us out guns still at our heads.

" You make a sound your brains with shatter." One hissed at us. They pushed us in and down to the basement covered with blood. Elaine looked down at her feet the whole time I did to. She showed confidence but also fear in her stance, as a war leader that was hard to imitate but I tried.

" Lance, take the girl to the room I will take care of the boy." The leader said. One of the men grasped Elaine pulling her along the blood covered hall. I was brought to a room upstairs. The upstairs was nicer and it didn't have that much of a mess.

I was thrown to the floor." Who are you boy?" The leader asked.

" What do you know." I asked sitting on my knees now." Who do you think I am."

" I see this is your first time." He said a sly smile crept on his face.

" What?" I asked getting weirded out and suspicious." I'v been kidnapped before if that is what you mean."

His face showed anger." Shirt." He growled at the man behind me. The man grasped the him of my shirt, I fought him off." Guys!" 

They all came in, my arms were free, they pined me on my back. My shirt was lifted. His fingers traced every single bruise and scar. He saw my Roman Tattoo he smiled at me. He made a gesture of a flip or something. I was turned so my face was planted in the dirty floor. Once again my shirt was lifted they took it off complacently. Cold hands pressed to the wip marks still red and bruised.

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