Part 3

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 I have this very good friend @BloodyCriminal. I really like it when people comment on my book, she dose to but noone has commented on hers besides me. Do me a favor and go and read her book and comment something even if it is just 'cool' Thank you! 

I came to my mother's door I knocked no one answered I just a thought Paul took mom on a date or something. So after aimlessly walking around until nightfall I ended up on Half-Blood Hill. I walked down and found everyone at the camp fire. I had just been attacked by a few hundred monsters synce being in NY.

I limped to the firelight. They all looked at me a few apollo campers came and tried to help me walk to the infirmary.

" No." I said." I have some bad news."

" What?" A girl in the audience asked." Where were you! have you seen the seven or Nico?"

" That's just it." I said." I was kidnapped by Tartarus ." People gasped people elled one even herded a few younger kids out.

" Calm down tell us percy what happened?" Chiron asked.

" Okay," I said." I had refused to feed his hunger with my cries so he...he beheaded Nico and Hazel, stabbed Piper, drowned Leo, burned Frank." I started people looked confused as I commented about Frank but I kept on going." He...He wiped....Jason to death and...and...."

I collapsed on the spot my legs were weak my eyes streaming with tears." HE KILLED ANNABETH" I sobbed. I felt the feeling in my arms and legs let go, I fell to the ground it was just too much.

When I woke I was in the infirmary Will stood cleaning up a bloody knife. I started to panick. I sat up suddenly making will jump and me freeze the pain was on again I collapsed after a moment. I woke again a few days later.

" What the heck man!" Will asked as he walked in." You freaked out why?"

" Bloody knife." I said.

" Ya about that, we may have had to do surgery on you." He said nervously." Don't freak! You had a poison tooth in your arm you may get a scar."

" Fine so the knife was used on me." I said." Fine, when can I go?"

" Look man I need to keep you here for a few more days." He said he must have sensed my anger and frustration and my confusion." Only because you have been having these spells, you go into shock and your heart starts to fail."

" FINE!" I yelled.

" Look man I am sorry about Annabeth but Nico is gone to." My eyes widened as he talked he must have realized his mistake because he quickly said." And so is Hazel and Piper and Jason."

" Ya you keep saying that." I said." I know you liked him and he liked you."

His face lit up a bright red color. I laughed then immediately regretted it 'cause my chest started to hurt and I went into a coughing fit.

I stayed there for more then a few days. I figured out the spells were actually flashbacks or dreams. After about a week or so they had to let me go I had my rights. The day I got out was the day I had to plan the funerals of the seven (minous Percy I was just to lazy to wright all their names.) and Nico.

I sat at a desk I planed the funerals, I also planed another one I had Hazel and Frank to be laid together. Piper and Jason together. Leo was to be laid in the middle surrounded by those who loved him. Annabeth was to be laid with another stone, Another death that will happen soon.

I drew their headstones and an extra one. The extra one just looks like a sketch nothing to big or small. Just to be clear it was mine. 

That night I went into the woods. Long ago I had built a small home it was more like a shed but it had a bed and a faucet but that's it. in the middle of the night it caught fire I sat up to see a monster staring me in the face.

The shed burst into flames I screamed for help. I escaped just before it colapsed. I was up in a tree, stupid reflexes. I sat in the tree undetected as campers came running. More and more people came soon chiron came.

" PERCY!" he screamed, in his hand was a piece of my clothes, my sleeve had ripped off. As soon as they doused fire with water they searched the ruins for me. I didn't want to be a butt or anything but I needed to leave. I would be there for them and I'll make sure they know that but I need to rest to stay away and let other's become the heroes.

As soona sthey left I climbed down. I stayed there under the branches of that tree, in the dead of night when even the harpies were asleep. I walked out to the beaches I sat for a moment I found a pad of paper. I took riptide and put the cap on the end like I would if I were to start to wright.

I wrote a letter to the camp. It said,

Dear camp,

I'm so sorry. I must leave, I will always be here for ya'll even if you can't see me. I must leave I need to leave, my heart is broken I lost my soulmate I lost my friends I lost my life I will be here I need to step aside so that other heroes have a chance to become better than me.

I plan on dieing soon, plant that other stone.

-Percy Jackson

I set the note on my nightstand. I packed a backpack with some clothes and some food. I took a book off my bed and put it in there to, it was Annabeth's favorite book, I plan to read a few thousand times before I die.( Which could be soon.)

For the next few days I was walking threw new york or at least trying to get there. I came to New York to see my mother. I knocked on their door and waited. I had seen their car outside so they were home.

I was starting to get worried I started banging louder and screaming out to her." MOM!! MOM!! OPEN UP IT'S ME PERCY!!" finally I busted the door and it flew off it's hinges. The door landed in the middle of the room." MOM!!" I screamed I went into the kitchen hoping to see her there laughing at my stuberness what I found was worse.

Laying on the floor in a pool of their own blood was Paul and mom. Had his arm around her protectively, his face frozen in the worst possible expression, fear and determination. I screamed as loud as I could I crouched down put my face in my hands. My back was against the wall my eyes sting I heard a gasp I looked up and screamed.

CLIFF HANGER!! I am so evil. I know I meant for this to get up by Halloween but...ops. :( sorry! PUT DOWN THE AX!!

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