Part 4

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Standing in front of me was Annabeth! I tried to stand as she crouched down gazing steadily at me. My vision blurred, her lips moved, but no sound was emitted. Panic crossed her face.

"No, you're dead...You're dead I saw them murder you!" I tried to claw my way to safety with no avail. "Your not...NO!!!! HELP HELP!!!!!!" I felt as if I was screaming into a pillow, my head buzzed as 

"Hey, calm down! It's okay, I am not going to hurt you." It was not Annabeth's voice, this women's voice was too soft. Then a man appeared in the doorway, he seemed to pose a question, she answered, but again my vision blurred and the words never reached my ears. I sat in the corner surrounded by my parent's blood watching my dead girlfriend converse with a stranger.

The man cried out just as my arms and legs went limp. It was too much. My mind trying to compensate for the image of the knife sticking out of my mother.

"Hey, hello?" She tapped my cheek. "Doug call an ambulance." She ordered then turned to me once more. "Stay with me now." Then the door opened a young girl stood in the frame grasping a child. The girl was about 13. The child looked around 1.

Her gaze rested on the sleeping head of the one-year-old, her golden-brown curls were pulled up into a ponytail. The child asleep on her shoulder was cover in a Christmas blanket. She was humming a lullaby. She then rose her gaze, sweeping the room and froze.

"DAD!!!" The girl gasped. "Stephanie?"

"Elaine!!" The man gasped. "What's going on!?"

"Why are you here?" The women asked.

"What do you think? Nanna got bored with us, Riley, Madeline, and Jet are outside what are you doing?" She asked.

"We came in because we heard screaming." The man explained. "The door was unlocked."

"Did you attack him?" She asked astonished. She handed the child to the women.

She pressed her ear to my chest. She mumbled a few words and followed her eyes with her calculations. She easily moved my arm and my hand presses her palm to my torso she opened one of my eyes only to see the milky white's of my eyes. My body did not respond to any touch.

"Unconcoice, sleep-deprived, malnourished, and around the age of 16." She reached for my shirt only bringing the hem up about 3 inches before shaking her head. "Scars he could have been abused but not consistent with such."

"What about bullies?" The man asked.

"No, too much trauma to the body." She said as she continued her investigation. "Dad helps me we need to get him to the house. He will awaken and we will go from there. I don't want the police upsetting him so soon."

"Or you." The woman said.

"Not even funny Steph." She said sadly.

"I'm sorry honey." Steph said." I'm sorry."

"Come on darling help me with him." The father said lifting my unconscious body onto his shoulder. She ran over, she lifted my legs and draped them over her arms letting them slide onto her father's strong arms.

"Wait, dad," she said. she pointed to my dead mother and Paul. "What is this?" Steph gasped in horror as the father gagged.

"Elaine please I will call the police to come to clean it up." He said white as a sheet. "Let's just get him out.

Elaine walked up to her father taking the child back from Steph. They carried me up about 2 flights of stairs, well the dad and Steph did the Elaine went down to get the others. The father entered a sort of big apartment. He set my body on the couch covering me with a blanket. Elaine walked in with a young girl about 10, a little girl about 4 and a young boy about 2.

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