I feel ya, Bullies and fights.(10)

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Do something for me, take a piece of paper, let your anger out of that piece of paper. Wright hurtful things, rip it up crumple it. Now I want you to erase all the words, I want you to tape it up, I want you to try to flatten it out. Do it.

Did the words go away? Look closely. if you used permanent ink it will stay forever if you used a pencil there is still a shadow. The ripped lines still show, it is not fully flat as before. Pretend that is a person. You just said those hurtful things to them, you just ripped them up and crumpled them into a ball, you just bullied them. Fixing the paper up symbioses the apology. Is it really gone? No? Why?

I don't care if you had a bad day, that is why you can seek out a punching bag, that is why you have a pillow to yell at. When I was in school that wasn't online the teachers bullied me, taking my stuff making me do papers more then once even though they had the paper on their desk right in front of me, and giving me bad grades because they feel like it. The students bullied me. I didn't know it at the time, I thought 'it happens to every one, then why is every one so happy?'

I pretended to be happy, I pretended to understand, I pretended it wasn't there. Then it happened someone went to far. In class there was a note given to me, I opened it you know what it said? It said.

'Your life belongs to me.' guns and marker blood stained the paper a hangman's noose was drawn very nicely in the corners, a knife in the hart. I cried, the substitute teacher came to see what was wrong, he saw it, he was mad. It never went away I still feel anger to them, the person who gave it to me.

My mother got the call she came and spoke to the teacher my teacher was not angry at all but the sub was horrified. My grandmother had always told me 'sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me,' I always said it 'Sticks and stones can break my bones, and words will forever haunt me.'

My mother agreed with me she always told me." That rhyme is a lie. Words have effect it's what you do to with the effect that matters."

I don't tell just anyone these stories, but if you want more info either message me or comment. :)

Parents fights. One of the scariest things for a young child. My mother and father are divorced. I don't know why I don't know how but it was so bad as at one point my father was restricted to supervised visits. He moved away and is engaged now, I don't know how much they fought when I was young, I don't know if this memory is correct.


Mother and father standing yelling, I was somehow in the middle of it all, I started to cry no one saw, I started to scream no one heard. It scared me I was mad, sad and confused. That's all I remember.

(End of Memory)

I hear about wars and I always think to that memory. In the wars no one cares what the civilians say or if they are scared or if they are screaming. They aren't seen and they aren't herd. I always tell myself this.

" Wars are just fights the leaders don't care about, wars are just escalated fights. And fights are just misunderstandings no one wants."

Bulling is not a joke. We maybe different, that maybe what you were raised to do, but it is wrong. Hitler did it, and bullies do it to. I don't want to be criticized but I will take it, any anger you have with me please do it now. remember the paper, remember it gets better.

Comment and tell me has any of these happened to you? have you done an anti bullying campaign?

Thank you for lessening, a new chapter coming soon.

P.S. if there is anything I can do for you, even if you just need a friend I am here. :) Also in my other chapter I addressed something that is wrong harassment, if there are any ideas about the story any other problems you think I should address just either message me or comment. 

If there are any ideas that you would like in the chapter please comment. :) have a happy day!

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