Part 13

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Merry Christmas, This chapter will be extra long! SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!! My family has been battling cold's Flu and Phnomoia...HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT!!!??? Anyways, HERE YOU ARE!! :) :D :P

Tony's P.O.V

It was almost Christmas, and once again Natasha walked out irritated. Steve walked into the interrogation room. I watched from the window. I noticed how he was quiet until they go to his parents or his friends. I wanted to test him, but that would have to wait. for the first time he was answering Steve but then again Steve was only to talk about his physical appearance.

" Hello again Perseus." Steve said.

" It's Percy." Percy hissed. We all knew but I mean it was the only thing he would actually say with feeling...unless he was telling us to buzz off." How many times do I have to tell you people!"

" I don't know how many times will you correct us?" Steve asked then moved on before he had a chance to answer." Hold out your arm."

Steve had been asking that same question for weeks, but for sheer luck Percy sighed in defeat and held out his arm. Steve rolled up his sleeve, all the way up to his shoulder. Steve ran his fingers along his arms. He twisted his arm poked it, squeezed it. Steve let the arm drop and tied the other arm down along with his torso and legs. I could see the worry in Percy. Steve picked up the other arm again and reached for a tool...a needle.

" Stop!" Percy freaked as the needle drew near. Percy started to thrash and try to pull his arm away, he tried to twist Steve's arm. Tears started to swell up in his eyes, he was afraid. He had been cut, shot, electrified, even whipped as we tried to get info out of him but a needle, a small wearie needle took the cake?

" So a needle?" I muttered.

" Stop." Percy hyperventilated." NO, NO!!" I realized what was going on I ran out and into the interrogation room as the mettle of the needle was pressed to Percy's skin.

" Stop." I said my eyes wide." Now." 

" What?" Steve asked irritated." I was just about to get some info out of him, I thought that was what Fury asked." Percy sat there, his eyes wide the needle still touching his skin.

" Threaten, okay? He is having a panic attack." I said." I will help." I took the needle. I held it in my hand." Percy, stop."

" N-no." Percy shook his head. I grasped his arm.

" Percy, I have this needle." I said." I promise you it will be pushed into you if you don't take a deep breath and calm down." Percy hung his head, a tear fell from his nose." Tell me now, you are very fit, how?"

" I was taken when I was young, my mother thought it would be best to send me to a camp like school to learn to protect myself." He looked up." I was able to protect myself but not my family."

" Okay, now when was the last time you went to the doctors?" I asked, he shrugged." Year ago few months ago?"

" When I was...12." He muttered." I think. But I did go to the imfermery MANY times. Maybe to many."

" What was the last shot you got?" I asked." Any medical problems? And I would like to know more about this camp."

" As I said 12, after that my mother was to busy or I was away or I just don't need to or want to go, as I said I went to the imfermery." He said." I have ADHD and Dyslexia and.... you know what? Leave me ALONE!"

" Mister!" Steve yelled." You are walking on thin ice!"

" You sound like Athena!" He growled." I just want to go home!!"

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