Part 26

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I awoke people surrounded me, I didn't know them. They started to leave when I sat up. They saw me and rushed towards me I pushed them away though pain flashed through my veins. It was so painful I cried out and collapsed on the floor. The man reached down to help me up but my brain mistaken it for him reaching to hurt me. I screamed and kicked his chest making him fly back.

" Don't touch me!" I screamed. There were two women they recalled suddenly, a flash of hurt crossed their eyes but quickly dispersed. Then I realized something." Annabeth! WHERE'S SHE?" I tried to leap from the bed but I was held back by an IV. I ripped it out wincing at the sight of the needle I looked away my eyes set on the women helping the man up from his sprawled position on the floor.

There was no blood on the tiles but the man looked dazed, I glared and edged around the room." Percy." The women with read hair spoke. her slim body supporting the man slightly but only slightly. She would be able to come and grab at me at any given second, I ran as fast as I could out the door, to swift for her. I ran as fast as I could out the door. Doctors and Nurses started running after me. I turned the corners my hair blown by the wind and my clothes ruffled beyond compare. I then felt something, as the wind curved around me I felt it swirl around a figure behind me. I could see the stair doors and raced down them but right as I was about to yank open the door arms were thrown around me dragging me to the floor. I kicked and screamed trying to throw them off. I would have thrown them if more people hadn't come.

Suddenly I was on my stomach face in the tiles, a sharp pain sparked on the small of my back, I could feel the mettle touch my bones and empty in my bloodstream. A scream escaped my lips as I lost feeling, slowly, from my arms to my legs.

I blacked out being pulled into the vast hole of memories. They swirled around in my brain they haunted me over and over. I was in the pit, tied to the wall, the whoip rained down on me over and over ripping my flesh amazing my muscles until he stopped, I felt tears hot tears it was dark I hoped he couldn't hear them ping on the floor I hoped he couldn't see my face screwed up in the pain. 

He must have because he did it over and over, at first I screamed, then I learned. The pain was to much, I could never do anything about it, after months and months I broke. I awoke gasping for air. I was at the hospital again. The room was empty, luckily and nothing seemed to be on, I thought it must have been midnight or something.

I was once again attached to an IV and heart monitor. I sighed not wanting to take the IV out again, I hate the though of a long strip of painful metal needle stuck inside your veins. Just as I was about to take the IV out a nurse came in and saw what I was about to do.

" You will be able to leave darling when you are able to remember." She said.

" What are you talking about I can to remember everything!" I screamed angry." Let me go you evil people with needles!"

" I think your delereous darling." She said.

"Am I? Am I really?"

"Yes you are."

" It took you people 6 tries to get blood." She then walked out of the room.

I sighed. I was stuck here for like, ever. Just then some god appeared to me. He said, "I am the god of time, at your request I have come to turn back time to before you ended up here, though I cannot change what happened to your parents or girlfriend I can however change what happens after." And then with out my consent he leaped forward and wraped his slender fingers around my thin neck and held fast. I wanted to scream but with the lack of oxygen I was unable to. My vision turned black as I struggled, and then I went limp.

I awoke in a pool of blood, not my own, no. My dead parents lay beside me their eyes wide with fear. The police rushed in pointing their guns everywhere then landed on me.

"Oh dear lord!" One of them shouted taking in the situation. I was taken to the police station where I told them I was coming back from my camp, opened the door and there they lay...dead. It killed me to repeat it to 5 other police officers but I did. They then took me to a room, a cot lay in the middle. It was a gray room no nurses table no sink nothing They told me it was a cell, one for the insane but I needed it now. It was half past 4 in the morning before I fell asleep. and when I did they took pity on me and let me sleep even putting the insane guy with green hair in a different cell until I was awake. 

I awoke, sadly enough, from a nightmare shooting up and screaming. I stared into the distance tears streaking my face as the cops rushed in asking what the matter was. After I had calmed down they told me someone found out about me and offered to take the poor little orphan 17 year old.

It was a man and a women that strode into the station both looking uptight and angered. I was sitting in a chair playing with Riptide. I heard them whispering about me.

"He has this pen that he wouldn't let go of. Supposedly it was his mothers even though it was covered in her blood and a possible pice of evidence." One of the officers sighed." He's scared, thank-you very much for offering to take him in until next year."

"Well our boss thinks it will make the boy feel safe if Stark takes him in." The women said her smile was fake I could here it. And why would he make me feel safe?" Anyway I was sent off with them.

We stopped at a curb. The sleek black car seemed to blend in with everything around it. "Okay you can leave me here." I said opening to door. but as quick as a cat the doors were child locked.

"Who said your even leaving this car?" the women said her hair fiery red her eyes calculating and secretive. I watched as she got out of the car and ran in. I humphed and leaned back. The man, the driver turned back. He had blond hair and his eyes were covered by sunglasses.

"What's your name kid?" He asked. Though I want to slap him right then and there for calling me kid I stopped myself.

"Percy." I said." And I'm 17 and no I'm not staying."

" Slow it down kid. You have to be 18 before I let you leave." He said smirking.

" Lets not and say we did." I said faking that same smirk.

"Are you going to try and find whoever did this?" He asked his voice all knowing but just as stupid as Zeus.

"No, I am just going to lave and never-return and if I happen to cross him before I die I will give him a pice of my mind but no I am not going to go up and kill him I mean he killed my mother he must be good." I said angerly as I have said this 4,000 times to anyone and everyone that thinks I'm angry.

"Okay then." The man said turning back around just in time. The women jumped in and they drove off. We arrived at this very tall tower with a big A on the front. I didn't know what that was but I went along with it. I stayed in the car, knowing we ha arrived but not wanting to get out. The place seemed to reek of electronic waves that would send my smell out farther than I wanted...thankyou but no thanks.

They looked back at me as I studied my nails. "Look here kid." The man said. "If you walk inside you can have a new family, we'll adopt you and if that's not your forte we will let you stay until you turn 18. You will go to great schools, have amazing things and eat what ever whenever. And I know we have a gym as well." I scoffed as if that would change my mind. "I can go get captain america to come lift you out of this care and carry you kicking and screaming into the house.

I sighed in defeat and let them drag me into the building.

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