Part 15

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I plan on letting Elaine like get Adopted or something in this Please tell me if I should keep her. WARNING Super Long!!!

Percy P.O.V

I woke with a muffled scream, I catch my breath my dream was a memory of tartarus only it wasn't...what happened before didn't happen the same way. I was cut and whipped and all but it was different. He told me things, things he didn't before. He reminded me of the death of my soul mate and I was able to chose my was like I was there again. I sat with the sheets over my knees my head between them my hands behind my head. My bed was right in front of a window. I looked outside for a while it was silent in the tower the only noise was of the soft night noises of New York and a quiet sob..wait sob? 

I listened again I was sure it was a sob. I crept to the conjoining doors of Elaine's room and listened. the sobs were muffled but they were sobs, I was about to open the door when I heard a soft hum coming from the same door the sobs came from just a moment ago. I pressed my ear up against the door. her soft original song filled my ears. The tune was forgotten and the words were heard.

" I'm stuck in a net of my hope. I'm calling but soon forget. I hear your voice cry out in the night I see your big brown eyes.
I see them glimmer from miles away, I see them host up love in your heart I hope at night as I'm drifting to sleep I hope you remember me. 
I'm stuck in a net of my hope I'm calling but soon forget. I hear you voice cry out in the night I see your big brown eyes.
I hear your voice asking what wrong I see your eyes with worry, I hope that you can't see me now as I see you. I'm bashed and bleeding and crying the same my eyes are broken by love restrained I hope you'll remember me as I was and will not soon be.
I'm stuck in a net of my hope I'm calling but soon forget. I hear your voice cry out in the night I see your big brown eyes.
Blue and green and orange, red and white and blue. Colors that will soon forget you but I'm right here, for now. I'll come home when it's new, I'll come home when it's done, I'll come home when they let me go when there's nothing more than you.
I'm stuck in a net of my hope I'm calling but soon forget. I hear your voice cry out in the night I see you big brown eyes. And I see them glimmer tonight."

I was frozen. As soon as I was able to move again I opened the door and peered in Elaine sat with a wrapped gift in hand. She stared at a picture frame which sat on her desk only a swift movement away from her bed. In the picture I saw a family. I slowly walked in, Elaine had started to sob again.

" That was beautiful you know." She shot up but relaxed after. She shook her head.

" I was doing nothing you herd nothing." She said." Forget my songs, let them leave your mind. No more can I pretend to love and care unless I can actually do so. Pretend I am the stupid little girl every think's I am...soon I will be locked up like I was meant to be and not in a fools paradise."

" You noticed to?" I asked hoping it would go unnoticed." They say rooms we say cages, they say food we think not. No matter the kindness we are still thought of as dangerous and as soon as the word is given and we are gone back to the cages that don't pretend and the food that we think nothing normal."

She stared at the photo once more twice thrice. In the picture it was of her and a blond boy and the small boy I saw back at the apartment. Elaine looked truly happy, one Child on each knee, her blood siblings flanked left to right smiling at the camera.

" I had come back brainwashed. most had wore off so then I only remembered as if I had a normal life." Elaine said in vain." I knew they were worried but I no longer remember the pain and the faces. My mind made up trips and memories making me think we were normal." She had answered my unasked question tears fought back as she remembered what it was like

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