Part 5 Authors Notes!

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So I told you guys about the contest. If I won I would be able to have a 30 Min Skype with Rick himself! All I had to do was write a myth send it in by the 20th of NOV. So here is my entry.

If you don't have a mind for these types of things I am not forcing you to read this.

Back when the world was still young, not a baby, old but not yet an adult, in the middle of nowhere was Ireland. It's people and gods lived in harmony with the occasional conqueror. The warriors fought bravely, never standing down, and the gods stayed away and out of sight, only making themselves useful when war or times of need came. In the group of gods and goddess, there was the goddess of the sea, Donn, the goddess of the earth, Anu, the goddess of the moon, Aine, and goddess of the stars, Arianrhod.

One day, as Donn sat in the sand on one of her beaches watching the plants sway, and humans walk on by. Donn never really had a liking for people, they always got in the way. She could hear her father now, "Mind the humans, Donn," or, "No Donn, don't step on the humans." She always minded her father, never got him angry. That night, Donn lay watching the goddess of the stars Arianrhod herd her stars in the night like a flock of sheep.

Suddenly, Arianrhod settled down beside her. She stared at the goddess of the sea. Donn had always been fascinated by the stars and Arianrhod. She loved the way

Arianrhod was allowed to go anywhere she pleased, while she, herself, had to stay on the beaches or in the waves.

"What are you looking at?" Arianrhod asked, ready to boast if the answer is her flock of bright stars.

"The gems you spread across the blackness of the sky," was what Donn answered.

"Yes, it is vast and beautiful is it not?" Arianrhod stated proudly. "I do a wonderful job at keeping them in check, do I not?"

"You do, but the blue of my sea colors the sky during the day and silver glistens upon it's waves at night," Donn said, boasting also.

They kept it up, boasting about their own element, when it soon turned into a fight about who did a better job at controlling their element. They started to show off.

That soon turned into a violent fight with punching and blood. After days of fighting in private, on the beaches or in caves, it soon became public. After dark, they stood on the beaches fist fighting, growing to the height of the gods. After a few days it escalated more to where at random times astroides would come hurtling at Earth.

When punches were made it shook the ground by the water. Donn would get angry and split the earth underneath Arianrhod's feet. At random times in a fight, water would spring out and grasp Arianrhod and drag her into the water. The goddess of the moon, Aine saw this and one night before the fight began she came down from her duties to the moon and tried to talk to the two goddesses.

"I beg you to stop. You are destroying the Earth and the villages," she said. Aine, very fond of the villages herself, was not pleased with the comment she received.

"Why must you care for the humans so?" Arianrhod asked.

"Yes, they are puny and always get in the way," Donn said.

"That is besides the point. I ask you to stop this pesky war," Aine said firmly.

"Alright then, if we are to stop it is up to you who is the winner," Donn said. Aine shook her head 'no'.

"I will not be a party to this conflict," Aine said firmly.

"Then we shall ask Maat who wins," Arianrhod said solemnly. Donn agreed to this, and the next night they sought his wisdom.

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