Part 27

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As I entered I had to hold back a gasp, I did not expect the pearly white walls and the gigantic floors and the ELEVATOR. My heart thumped against my chest as I stared at the elevator. My mind screamed at me, memories blaring in my skull. I unfroze before they could suspect anything. Fighting back images of the terrifying corpse and events that led up to it. Finnaly the elevator dinged, the door swung wide open. I stepped into the death machine and closed my eyes.

I could hear the buzzing of the power of the satellites, I could hear the growl of the monsters that would attack by night. I let my mind wander to the fights I would have instead of what I was in right now. The elevator dinged, the horrible hideous sound, the ding, and I stepped out holding back the flood gates. I sighed deeply after getting off. I was jittery and ready to jump off the walls.

"So we know your name, but do you know ours?" The man said."I'm Clint and that's Nat. Were superheros of some sort, really were spies.

"Cool, I'm trapped with some spies." I whispered. They looked to me I just shook my head. "Nothing." I mumbled.

They dragged me to a room and told me to stay there in room. They said it wasn't much but it would be decorated later. I looked around and whistled. This was nothing? The walls were blue with splattered black, the bed was a deep sea blue and even had the ocean vibe, there was a TV mounted in the wall and a laptop lay on the gigantic desk that covered a whole wall right next to the bed. The whole room was so me except there was a small band set in a corner It had a small stage and a keyboard as well as a mic and two different guitars and drum set.

Since they locked me in I walked over to the stage and looked at the instruments. Only two things weren't electric. The drums, and one of the guitars.  I sighed and picked up the guitar and started to strum. Carefully picking the notes I started to play.

Humming the melody as I went along. I don't remember learning how to play, but I started mumbling words.

"1 and then 2 and then 3 I see, 4 and then 5 and then 6. When will this end with this sick twisted trick where will the time go then. 1 and then 2 your caught in the cross fire 3 and then 4 when they knock at your door 5 and then 6 will they win with their tricks. Will we die in their mist.

7 and then 8 will they see your grave 9 and then 10 will you see the end 7 and then 8 will they close the gates 9 and then 10 I know it's the end. So grab on my clock I'll hold you close as we fall into darkness, fall to our deaths.

1 and then 2 and then 3 I see 4 and then 5 and 6. Now it has ended with you sick twisted trick when will the time go now, now I can't see your face now I can't knock on the gate snow I can't ask you when or how or why." I stopped breathing awkwardly I didn't dare finish the song. I wasn't sobbing but pain tore at my chest as I realized what I had just did. It was horrible but I just sang a song about someone I just let out my boxed in feelings and released all the pain that had been condensed inside of me.

I relsied how much I need her how much she meant to me, I was downright sobbing now as I sat wondering. Who was I and why did this happen? I couldn't answer my own question. I took a deep soothing breath and halted my sobbing wiping my tears in the process.

I had just in time because as soon as my eyes wasn't red the women Natasha came barreling in. "Guess it's time you met the rest of the family." Nat said smiling oddly.

I stood and fallowed her to a living room. In the living room was a bunch of people all lounging around in normal clothes, but they were far from normal and I knew that. It was a room of men and the only women being Natasha. Most of them sat on the coach and slumped not even acknowledging me. One was in full armor bleached hair and a deep tan, then there was the tall buff and handsome dude that every company has and the dark haired scrawny nerdy dude. Last but not least the man who acted remarkably like Leo.

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