Part 24 R.I.P those who were taken wrongly.

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May I start here and say this is a big problem, I am still young yes but I am not naive I know what is going on in this horrible world. I half wish that the grate flood will come again and god or any god or thing that is responsible will renew the world again. Jesus said he would come down again when we needed judging he left and the world grew least for a while. I don't know about other religions and I am sorry but I am shore almost the same thing has happened in other stories in other religions.

WHen I was little 5 or so I remember my mother telling me about a bad man who killed a bunch of children in their own school in the middle of a lesson or something. I remember crying and telling my mother to bring them back that kids aren't supposed to die. Shootings happen all the time most don't even get in the paper or on the new or online at all. My mother kept me informed and I remember wondering why my mother was telling me such bad things, I realized worse was happening and I was only getting a small bit.

I heard about drive bys, murder, now famous people are being killed because of what they believe or people just want to go out with a bang. It amazes me people can just waltz into a place and start shooting security dosn't stop them at all. This video only proves what horrible things are happening under our noses weather we like it or not, bad guys won't abide to rules or laws you can make it so guns are banned from the WORLD and still they will find a way. Weather they use illegal guns or find other ways to kill.

Anyway I actually started to worry and watch my back when it came to cars and strangers. I had a scare the other day, I was walking home from the library which was about a mile, half mile away from my house, An ambulance raced past me no sirens I don't think but as soon as it passed I got scared I started to pray it wasn't going the same place I was, It turned as I wished it wouldn't, even with the heavy books already giving me pain and uncomfort and the computer adden extra weight I raced home anyway despite the pain, the ambulance had disappeared from my sight I started to fear the worst. My sister was home alone with the doors unlocked. I was afraid she was caught in a shooting or something probably because of Orlando or maybe it was drilled into my mind by ciciety. Like he said in the video.

We deserve better we deserve a world where atleast someone stands up, the president the candidates someone needs to address I don't think anyone should vote anything let them just hang someone has yet to do something so far it's just words, Hilary has got problems and she would be just as good as Obama and see where that got us, Trump hasn't lived in our world he lives in the world oh himself he is acting like a child a little 3 year old or better yet a 4 year old and believe me I lived with both.

What ever I'm ranting sorry. :)

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