Part 2

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When I woke pain erupted in my arm I turned and scowled at a cyclops. I bit my lip a needle stuck out of my arm the medicine not yet injected into my bloodstream yet. the cyclops muttered something and took the needle out. I bit my lip harder.

I felt my arm burn up. They dragged a girl in the room. She was screaming and thrashing. She looked more determined then scared. She thrashed and shook. she was chained to the wall right next to me.

She was younger than me about 13 by the looks of it. She glared at me. The pit himself (I can't spell it) strode into the room with a whip and knife.

He walked over to the girl and gripped her face. He pulled her to face him. She squirmed in his grip. He whispered something in her ear. He moved his arm around her waist. She screamed and thrashed.

" STOP!" I screamed." Just stop!!"

" Why, boy? Why should I not break her little back?" He asked." Why do you care?"

"Too many people have been killed on my watch." I said." Too many people have lost their loved ones because of you or your so-called wife."

" You put my wife to sleep." He said." You, Took my love away so, in turn, I  took your soulmate."


" Whatever I don't care I will avenge her." The pit said." If you don't want this young girl dead will you take her punishment?"

" What might that be?" I asked.

" 30 lashes, 6 cuts..." He started.

" Fine just don't hurt her!" I shouted. They wanted to cut her and whip her! They unchained me and then started. the whip came down more than 30 times they cut me and punched me and kicked me I kept my screams in. Before they left they unchained the girl.

She ran over to me placing a hand on my bleeding chest. She muttered a curse and started tearing off my shirt. She blinked when she saw my scars but nothing else.

" Ok take a deep breath and calm down. I am Elaine and you are?" She said soothingly I did as I was asked. 

"" I gasped.

" Nice name. I always loved the Greek heroes and gods so easy to remember." She said." Too bad they don't exist."

She frowned as a bowl of water and a bag was shoved through a slot on the door. she ran over to it and looked in the bag. she muttered something and brought the items over to where I lay.

" What did you get a that?" I asked in a whisper, but she heard me.

" I fought for my rights they had no right to kidnap me again so I tried to escape." She said I nodded.

" What is in the bag?" I asked.

" Food that you need, and some odd canteen and a bag with Ambrosia written in black sharpy." She said confused." And a change of clothes for both of us."

" Well, that's new." I thought to myself.

She pulled out a black t-shirt and jeans and a black tank top and short shorts. I tried to get up but I fell back a gasp escaped me as my head hit the concrete. 

" Hey calm down, I will help you." She said. I was into much pain to speak so I just nodded the slightest." Ok, now we will do this slowly. Relax"

I relaxed as she asked. She took the shirt and scrunched it up she lifted my head a bit and slipped it over my head she helped me move my arms and in a matter of seconds I had the shirt on. She helped me finish up and she went into a corner and changed what I looked the other way.

After a few days of this and plotting escape, we escaped. we had built swords out of scrap bones they threw at me and meddle. after we got out she led me into a forest. We came to a jungle of vines she pushed past some vines and rapped on the door in mores code.

'. _ ._ .. _. .' Which meant Elaine I think. sort(E), long(L), short long(A), short short(I), long short(N), short(E).

The wooden door was answered by a little girl no older than 10 with a knife. Seeing Elaine she rushed forward and gave her a hug. in the little house was a few sleeping bags a backpack or two and a fire pit along with a few pots and a bark playpen. In the playpen was a 2-year-old sleeping and by the fire, a 9-year-old and a sleeping 4-year-old. 

I left in the morning walking to town. I walked for a few hundred miles before seeing the town. I got on a free bus and drove to Austin TX. I got off and ran I sat in the ally of a busy street. People were stopping and asking me if I was alright or who I was.

This one girl and the man stopped. they walked up. the man had a longish goatee and long brown hair. He had a top hat on and a nice suit jacket and a black T-shirt. The women, however, had on a black dress with skulls and huge spiked heels. 

" Hi I am Bunny and this is Dogman." The girl said." Who are you?"

" Percy ma'am," I said.

" Why are you so dirty? Are you homeless?" The man asked gently his voice was deep but not too deep. 

" No sir I just escaped my kidnappers," I said not wanting sympathy.

" What are you ok?" They both became worried.

" I'm.....Fine." I said. Ya, I only just watched my soul mate be murdered in front of my eyes.

" Where do you live. we ore on our way to New York." Bunny said.

" I live in Manhattan NY." I said." I will find work for about a year then I might be able to go home."

" We have an extra ticket." He said.

" No, I don't want to be a burden," I said.

" You won't be a burden." She said. All I wanted to say was 'that's what you think now.'

Well, I ended up on the plane with them. The whole process involved bringing up a girlfriend and my mom and being the saucer I am I gave in. When we got in New York not needing it I gave them about a few hundred dollars in gold. At first, they tried to give it back. Before they left I gave them a hug and sneakily slipped some gold in Bunny's purse and Dogmans pocket.

Then I left walking to my mother's apartment.

Bunny and Dogman are real people Bunny has a youtube chanal so check her out there. I am so sorry for the late chapter I have been up till midnight with a writing contest. Um...A new one will be up either next week or in a few days. Have a great day!!!

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