Part 30

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I turned to Tony. "Come on, we have to hurry!" I exclaimed. A part of me was uninterested in the boy. Not exactly leaping to help him immediately. But the other part was concerned. This part of me won the battle and I started to lift him in my arms. I scrambled to the medical bay. Tony scampered after me, like a lost puppy. His eyes were big and his breath was shallow. I knew right then and finally understood, that everyone here, on this team, had become attached to the boy as if they all had a past with him. I couldn't let myself explore this subject right then, for Percy was losing a lot of blood.

When we got to the bay, Steve had prepared a table, I laid him down face down on the table as soon as I got near enough. My clothes were bathed in blood, my mind was swimming in my head. I was brought back to the real world when Steve shook my shoulder.

"What's wrong with you? I asked for the cauterizer 4 times already!" Steve ordered. I nodded briskly then started. I assembled the cauterizer and set it to charge. "Tony awaken Bruce if you would. Tell him to get his butt down here immediately. Then call an ambulance."

I didn't need to ask what Steve would be doing because he was doing it already. He ripped the boy's shirt off and the bottom half of his pants. Blood had soaked the fabric thoroughly. His legs were cut pretty badly, Bruce appeared at the door and rushed forward. His hands lay on the cauterizer immediately and pressed it to one of the boy's wounds. He dragged it through the gash and went on to another.

No matter how quickly he cauterized the wounds we were still far, far, behind. Steve and I held Percy down as Bruce worked. For hours, that seemed to buzz by, we held down the boys thrashing limbs. He was stronger than he seemed. His bony exterior was merely a joke, he was straining even Steve as he cried out and thrashed about. 

When suddenly, after a long while, a gasp filled the air. I stepped back to find that Percy has shot up. He looked around the room, his eyes focused on me.

"W-who are you?" The words left his lips in a rush, and before they all reached my ears he was down again. The wounds had stopped ripping through his flesh, scars would soon litter his body. We stitched him up and bandaged his wounds. He lay there, looking helpless the whole time. When we had finished I lifted him into my arms and walked softly down the hall. I took him to his room and laid him on his bed. When I looked up, just above his head, there appeared a picture of a girl, she stared down at Percy smiling softly as he slept. Then her eyes met mine, she nodded and the image disappeared. 

That night I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking of the girl in the image. It was so clear and bright not like any hologram I have ever seen. She seemed to know where Percy was and where I was. I kept thinking about that. I tossed and turned, thinking of any identity to give the girl. Her golden curls flowed down her shoulders, her skin glowed softly, and her eyes seemed smart, like scary smart. Her eyes imitated that "I know something you don't" look, it was like she saw something like she was there.

I shook my head and lay there shifting through my memories, eventually my eyes closed and my choiceness fades off into space. I awoke that morning. I went to see Percy. I didn't knock on his already opened door, instead, I peeked into his room, he sat on his bed, facing the wall. When I saw what he was looking at I nearly gasped. He was talking to a hologram like the one from the day before. 

"You-your alive?" it was Percy who spoke. Tears were streaming down his face, he sat on his knees at the end of his bed. His arms clutched his heart, his breath was shallow.

"I never died." Her voice was soft and sweet, I could hear the fear that laced her words. She was worried that he wouldn't believe her.

"B-but I saw you...then you disappeared. I was dying and you were there then you wern't." His voice was so broken I could practicly hear the girl flinch.

"I love you, find me, please." It sounded like something a bad guy would say to bait someone. 

"YOU DIED GODDAMN IT!!!!! I SAW THE ARROW!!! You died in my arms, slowly and painfully. You spit up blood all over my lap and I still held you close. I sobbed, You told me you loved me! YOU DIED! I HELD YOUR LIFELESS BODY AND KISSED YOUR COLD LIPS!!" As he spoke those words my heart broke, my knees began to shake. He was so broken, the pain was all I could see, a shattered boy, a boy made of glass that hid his pain and brokenness with a smile and cold laugh.

I pushed off the doorframe and stumbled away. I kept replaying that moment in my head, over and over. When I reached the living room I leaned against the wall and breathed in deep. Just as I began to right myself Natasha and Wanda came walking in. They glanced at me worriedly but said nothing. After a few hours, Percy came stumbling down the hallway. He gave nary a glance at any of us. Steve sat in the living room with me, he was reading and I was cleaning my weapons.

I glanced at Steve and we both stood, we didn't speak we instead followed him. we kept out of sight. He ended up in a park, no one was around, we stood behind trees as he sat on the bench. He probably knew we were there but didn't care. A girl walked up. Her bouncy blond hair was pulled into a braid that fell along her shoulder, her shirt and jacket hugged her body, her jeans were loose. She had a hilt and sheath attached to her arm. She sat beside Percy.

"I'm sorry Percy. I should have come to you before." Her voice sounded sincere. Her shaded eyes were trained on the ground. "You look...shattered."

"I am." Percy sighed. His mind seemed to be raceing and his fingers twerled a small pen in anticipation. "I lost everyone, I couldn't bear to lose what I had left. So I hid. I lost you, and Leo, Nico, Jason, and Piper. I lost Frank, Hazle, my perents, everything."

"I can explain it all, I propmise."

"Are they alive?"

"Percy, just understand-"

"NO! YOU need to understand. I burried you, all of you. With you I burried my soul, my feelings. Each night I am torchured by HIM." With those words Percy tore off his shirt. He was angry and tired of pain. The girls eyes widened, steve looked like he was going to be sick. I tore my eyes away and breathed in deeply.

The skin of his chest and back was worse then the other night. Burns covered his shoulders and all around his waist. He turned around in a ciricle letting her see it all. White, blue and black scars covered his skin, there was no undamaged spot on his torso. His arms were lined with fat scars. They covered his forarm mutilating a tatoo that was now unreadable. On the back of his neack there was a deep brand, I couldnt make out the disighn but it was red and looked painful. He didn't flinch as she slowly stood traceing her fingers along the deep gashes. Her fingers lingered on a small burn.

"This one was from our first kiss." Her fingers trailed a long gash along his bicep. "He gave you this one for talking, you were holding me and I was crying you told me to hold you and that it was alright." Tears glistened on her cheeks. Her head dipped and hit his shoulder. His wraped his scared arms around her. "It hurts, Percy, I love you." 

"Shhh." Was all he said. "I know." 

"Percy forgive me, I didn't understand I just wanted it to stop!" She sobbed. He sniffled and looked up to the clouds. He cluched her close and whispered something to her, then they exploded, they exploded into ash. Well not realy exploded, they started to disinagrate really. Starting with Percys face, it consumed his hair and face then his shoulders then her head and hair and soon they were gone. After a second we stepped out from our hideing sopts and a wave of ash washed over us. A single voice floating threw the air.

"I forgive you."

Alright guys, this is it! If you have any questains you can comment them or if you arn't comfortable with that you can message me, I will answer you I promise, at some point or another. :)

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