Part 22

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The door busted open and there stood a guard in his hand was a gun as if expecting something. When he found it was just me frustrated. He sighed and left. I continued to try get free not caring how loud I was or how quiet. After 3 hours I remembered a trick I was taught. I relaxed my muscles there are certain pressure points in a mortal cuff all I had to do was flex that muscle twist my thumb and....FREE.

The cuff popped off suddenly but with no noise. I smiled sat up and rubbed my wrists. But laughed with joy. They had been on pretty tight my hands had started to turn white. I sighed releasing my position. I was in a cell with a crazy lady so crazy and possibly dangerous that it had to be a cell in a cell I realized looking at her sleeping figure she was painfully thin her hair was matted and looked unwashed her skin was pale and oily.

I frowned, I knew she was awake she has to be her breaths were too uneven to be asleep and to soft for a nightmare. She seemed uncomfortable.

" Good morning." I muttered." How'd you sleep?" She crained her neck.

" You're out? You're free?" She gasped I nodded." Free me! I beg you! Get me out!"

" Why were you put in here?" I asked.

" I'm a bad guy. I do bad things and I just got unlucky and was shot down." She said. I rolled my eyes.

" So you hurt someone?" She shrugged.

" You could say that. But it was funny and enjoyable." She said." Now get me out before they come back in!" I leaned back.

" They know I'm out, I'm not going to hurt anyone. You on the other hand I don't know what you could do." I said." You could hurt someone or hurt yourself and that's not fun is it?"

" How'd you get out?" She pressed.

" Not telling, someone showed me...just in case." I said. She screamed suddenly angrily fiercely. Then she stopped she was silent then was smiling again chatting away to the voices in her head about me even though I was literally right there.

About two days of this they gave me a book a thick pad of paper and a few pens because we couldn't have the blades for sharpening Pencils. We had bathroom privileges for an hour each day. I took a shower every other day. They gave me no new clothes which was fine but after a while they started to stink. It was the standard jumpsuit the standard orange color with like 6 pockets and stuff. Riptide was in my pockets they didn't bother trying to take it away because they thought it was 'just a pen' and there was no need to be paranoid about a simple pen.

2 words, rookie mistake, I mean I'm thankful but these people are either floppy or real uptight like I can't breath without telling them first uptight. The girl in the cage spent her days playing with her hair, sleeping reading or climbing the bars like, well, monkey bars for exercise and it's freakin fun.

Exercise for me was just pushups and cartwheels as well as pull ups from a pipe that ran across the wall. I know what you are thinking...Percy, it's a pipe pipes mean water and water means freedom from the brick that is prison. But I honestly don't mind it.

I'm never alone they don't yell at me when I wake screaming from a nightmare and I have nowhere to go if I do escape. Elaine is safe Annabeth and all my friends and family are dead the Avengers passed me up so I can't annoy the heack out of them. Being in prison gives me food, rest, peace, and a place to stay.

One day someone came into the room as I was doing pushups, the psycho women laughing and shouting words of encouragement which suddenly died out as the person walked in. I jumped up and stared the person head on. It was Tony. I glared backing up.

" Hello Percy." Tony said warmly he was smiling but I knew something was about to happen." How have you been?"

" None of your business." I hissed going back to my pushups.

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