A/N Part 8

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I am not forcing you to read this. As I said in the last chapter I am hoping to wright a Best Seller. It is a Christmas book called 'Blind Christmas' It is about a girl who is slowly going blind and something horrid happens and she ends up with this condition that plays with her eyes. All in the span of a couple months but mostly takes place on Christmas Eve. It has heart, a love interest, hope, and trauma. 

Don't worry I am also writing a book I hop will be made into a series. I have a bit mapped out but I will tell more when the story unravels. I am writing it all under a name (anyone know what it is called?) M.J. Cane. I hope that I will become recignised and I hope I have what it takes.

Thank you GOOD NIGHT!!! An actual chapter is coming at 'cha! 

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