Part 23

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I was thrown not laid as the others were, I was thrown into the cell landing (thankfully) on a bed but cried out anyway. Before long it was lights out and everyone was to go to sleep. Thankfully they moved me. They moved me to a bunk up against the cell bars I snuggled up to the blankets only wanting relief of the pain.

" Having fun here Percy?" A voice asked. I looked up, at the bars above my head, towering above me was Tony, I rolled my eyes and threw the covers over my head childishly.

" Yes Tony I'm having a ball, you know I think I've lost more weight with all the blood loss." I said sarcastically. I could hear him smile." But, you knew that." He laughed lightly.

" I had some suspicions." He said." Didn't think they would actually do that to a young teen boy." That's when I blew, he knew he asked them to do it. He knew they would do this to me. Forgetting the pain I shot up grasping his sorry excuse for a shirt threw the bars.

" You knew what would happen and you KNOW it!" I hissed through the bars." I was put here for your selfish amusement!"

" Not technically but more or less." He said snarling." I don't get to see or watch but you know..." He trailed off. Something was not right not right at all I heeded Annabeths warning and kept in mind this could be one of...them." None the less it is fun to be present in your suffering. And you have to get up tomorrow and the day after that well, pain is a gift."

"Can you leave me to die then? No," I asked him." shoot me right here." I pointed to my heart I looked up with begging eyes." Please shoot me." Tears started to form in my eyes as panic set in." SHOOT ME!" I screamed my loudest. I heard the others sturr and probably wake.

" You are a kid, you will be let out at some point and then you can go live." Tony said, I knew he knew my predicament I know I've said something about it at some point. He wants me to agree he wants me to deny him that kind of power.

" You know I can't do that." I whispered." Everyone's gone, dead." I smiled." And I just wish I could be there with them...but you already know that." I said a matter-a-factually." Shoot me now it will save you a lot of regret later." I argued.

" And how is that?" He asked.

" My hands are tied." Was all I said. It made no sense even to me I mean I knew the meaning and he, hopefully, knew as well but just the wording and stuff that was not supposed to happen. Whatever. He turned a left pondering what I had said.

After that for the next week they beat me mercilessly and I refused to eat or to sleep. I took to running and pull-ups to bide my time and make the pain last longer. They gave no poison no way to hang or to jump off the roof or something high enough to kill. So I starved myself in hopes it would kill me faster. One day I would no longer feel the pain so I tried to keep the pain going so it could stop suddenly and I could finally be a ease. Now all I had to do was wait.

One day I go another visitor I had been hoping Elaine or at least Tony would come again, instead it was the girls. Wanda and Natasha. The other cell mates were outside I was alone one of the many things that was hard to find here, peace. Anyway I heard the door open thinking it was a guard I didn't move and instead sat on the end of my bunk and fiddle with the pages of a book.

" Hello Percy." It was Wanda. I snapped up, my back in a corner, shock running threw my vains. My clothes were dirty my hair a mess as unusual but I had showered the night before so I wasn't TOO stinky and yet they recoiled as if I was viper and they were expecting a garden snake.

" W-what are y-you doing h-here?" I asked swallowing a lump of fear in my esophagus. Natasha took a step forward I made the mistake and flinched though I couldn't help it it was driven in my soul. I pressed myself as flat as I could to the bars my face in the corner so they could not see me threw the shadows." NO! T-they said it was over t-today!" My voice soft after my sudden loud outburst.

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