Part 25

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Percy's P.O.V

I woke to see the guard who had been kind to me before, now he sat at my side cleaning my chin from something. I jolted up suddenly making him fly back in shock. I looked wildly around the room, no one else was there.

" Calm down." The guard said. Beside the bed was a bowl and a spoon and an empty glass of water I guess. I watched as he crept closer." How are you feeling?"

" Where did they go?" I asked." How long ago was it?"

" A few days." He answered." They had to go for a mission or something." He looked me in the eyes.       " I've been trying my hardest to keep you alive, said you were so tired and hungry, said not to let you die."

" Ya well, thank you." I said shortly, I had a feeling that they wouldn't be back for a long time. I was right of course almost a year. After a while it all started up again although I was transferred, I was placed and a cell with people my own age. Murderers mostly they all sat on the beds then would suddenly start to fight. I knew it wasn't a normal prison with normal fights. They would cram you into a cell and others would be there depending on what they did and how dangerous they were.

I just so happen to get some bad ones...I don't know if there are worse I feel extremely sorry for those who are stuck with them because the murderers trying to kill each other off and on, it was just a bloody horrifying mess.

The guards would then 'teach you a lesson' if you were to beat someone up. That was me every day for 6 months. Of course they took the others words for it because I am the wimp or whatever. They blame the beating me up, as the 'I beat them up' even though I am COVERED in blood. They would take you to a room and torture you.

The other kids stole most my food and so soon I started to waste away. Hungry sleep deprived out of fear, and beaten to a bloody pulp soon took a turn on me. And at it's worst peak then of course the 'Saviors' showed.

Tony's P.O.V

The war was very tolling, Natasha drifted away and only ever visited Wanda. Wanda one day was talking to Natasha and then suddenly had an outburst. I didn't want to go see or talk or anything but my caring side got the better of me I raced up the stars and asked what was wrong.

" Percy!" Was all she had to say. We were out the door in seconds. Natasha glared at me the whole way." We left him! I can't believe we forgot about him!"

" In our defence we were dealing with a killer and a bunch of betrayers. I glared at the girls in the back. We were driving one of my cars neither girl wanted to sit with me. We got out at the prison, I felt a bit sick walking in. Percy was nowhere to be seen. We split up to find him when Natasha came running back.

" It's him Percy." Fear was in her eyes. Wanda saw it too we ran down the corridor to a cement cell holding what seemed to be murderous teens." Who is in there?" Natasha asked the guards.

" Why?" One asked her. She stepped up, his snarky attitude getting nowhere on her freind list.

" Percy Jackson in there?" I asked a sneer on my face. He nodded." Let.Us.In. And if you don't I can have the F.B.I on your case in a matter of seconds or worse, S.H.I.E.L.D." He gulped and stepped away from the now unlocked door. We barged in to see three teenagers beating Percy to death, he was bloody and his clothes were so torn I was surprised they stayed on his skeleton frame." Percy! Get off him now!" I pulled a gun out pointing it at the three boys trying to kill him.

Slowly they looked up and backed away, gun in hand I walked around the room pointing my gun at everyone making them back against the wall. I stood covering Percy and the girls as they tried to revive him." Percy! Wake up please." Natasha whispered." What was the meaning of this!" She shouted at the boys.

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