Part 7

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She pulled the trigger, it happened to fast, she pulled the trigger just as a man threw a sleek shiny object at her. She tried to jump out of the way, it impaled itself in her solder. She gave out a small cry as she fell to the floor. Her own blood pooled onto the tile, the man that was hit he was thrown back into the kitchen from the power of the blow. I stepped out.

" Who do you think you are?" I asked them." What do you want?"

" Son, this is bigger then the both of us, I am here to collect missie here." The leader said pointing to Elaine." If you go now and forget all of this we will not hurt you."

" NO." I hissed." Πηγαίνετε τώρα, πριν να χάσω μου ιδιοσυγκρασία." (Go now before I lose my temper.)

Them seemed shaken, I felt a firm and angry hand on my ankle I turned to see Elaine grasping my ankle her face shown pure fury and worry.

" No...Go...Leave me now...." Elaine sputtered. It was easy to tell that knife hit a nerve...a bad one.

The people hissed strangely they pulled their masked to reveal they were manipulating Cyclops. The one eye stuck out in the middle of their foreheads and the shortness kind of gave them away, see manipulating cyclops are smaller but even more deadly, they could be dressed as regular humans and no one would know. I brought out riptide and finished them all off in a matter of seconds.

The last one had thrown another forin object at Elaine just before he exploded in golden dust. I used my water power to sweep the golden dust out the window that was left open for extra ventilation. Elaine let out an earth shattering scream Stephanie and the father Doug ran out to see Elaine bleeding on the floor and me cradling her in my arms.

Elaine was taken to the hospitable where she recovered over the span of a week. Her phone rang at one point as she lay still on the gernie, I answered.

" Hello?" I asked.

" Yes, hello...Who is this, and may I speak with Elaine Collins please." The man on the other side asked.

" Why?" I asked growing suspicious.

" I am Arnold Wenskie, I am head of the Washington state social services." The man said." I must tell her something, I have a piece of info she must hear and deal with." I looked over at Elaine as her family crowded around her lissining to what I was saying.

" Sir, she was attacked a couple night's ago. She almost bled to death we are here in the hospital waiting for her to be released." I said getting an approving nod from Doug.

" When?" he asked.

" Thursday why?" I asked.

" And it's Saturday?"

" Yes."

" Were you there?" He asked." How many, what happened?"

I told him the story as I ended it Elaine stirred." That is what happened." I explained as a nurse cam into the room.

" We need her to stay for about a week or a few days depending on her recovery progress." The nurse said." We will look at her files has this happened before?"

" Yes, many times." Madeline said. It was Madeline and pierce who told the police everything about their sister and I was not allowed to listen. Madeline once again was led out of the room to explain what was going on.

" I will deliver a message what is it you want?" I asked running out of patience.

" We looked into it, the father Doug has been qualified to be a foster parent same with the girlfriend Stephanie." He said." I will email the service there in NY and you will have to go in. BTW I told the police who you are, you are to be taken away Immediately."

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