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You were woken up early by the clattering coming from the kitchen, or by the snoring which could be heard in the next room. You weren't 100% sure who the culprits were. You groggily staggered into the kitchen to find Onew making pancakes!

"Good morning! Why didn't you sleep in for longer?" You asked Onew. You thought he already knew that you were in the kitchen, but he didn't. He was so startled that he knocked over the bowl with the pancake batter in. You both looked down at the smashed bowl dripping with batter in silence. Then you looked at each other, and started laughing uncontrollably.

Onew sank to the floor with laughter, clutching his side, while you grabbed a dustpan and brush from the cupboard and began to sweep up the broken glass.

"Good morning," Onew breathed, lightly brushing against your shoulder as he stood up. "I didn't realise you would be up this early!"

"Oh really?" You said sarcastically.

Onew laughed some more before sighing, "I'll get a cloth to clean up this sticky batter,".

As you were both cleaning up, you decided to ask him exactly why he was making pancakes. "I just wanted to make a nice breakfast today as we have a long rehearsal. And to impress you of course," Onew winked at you, as you looked at the floor and blushed, raising your hand to your mouth to hide your smile. Onew moved your hand away from your mouth and smiled. "Much better,"

At that moment Key walked in shouting, "WHY WOULD ANYONE BE UP THIS EARLY! What is all the noise abou--," He didn't finish his sentence when his eyes fully opened and he saw you and Onew. "Sorry for interrupting," Key smirked as he walked back to his room.

"Now everyone will be awake at least,"

"And no more pancakes..." Onew said glumly.

"How about we make another batch?" You suggested.

"Great idea, could you help me?" He asked.

You agreed and the pair of you started getting ingredients out of the cupboards. Despite having the simple recipe, you and Onew kept making mistakes. Mostly because he couldn't stop looking at you, and you couldn't stop noticing.

When you had a big stack of pancakes, large enough to feed Seoul, you called the other members for breakfast. Taemin and Minho were dressed and ready, but Jonghyun and Key were still in their pyjamas. The members who were dressed glared at those in pyjamas, so Jonghyun and Key had to get dressed before they could enjoy their breakfast.

Meanwhile the others tucked in to the lovingly made pancakes. Onew began to organise the day by telling Taemin and Minho about their schedules. "Our schedules are full up all day with rehearsing together for that concert coming up," He informed, while the other two groaned.

"But I was going to go to the theme park today with (y/n), can't we just take a day off," Taemin whined.

"I wouldn't mind a day off, they've been working us to the limit lately, especially Jonghyun, as he's working on his solo album too. We've barely had time to even talk to him lately," Minho agreed, Taemin nodding his head.

"You know why we can't take a day off, we've got to work our hardest before we take a break. You and (y/n) will just have to go some other time, you have a two hour break tomorrow, so you can go then. I know they're working Jonghyun hard, but I know, and he knows that it'll be worth it in a month. Plus, Jonghyun will manage it, he's strong enough to last. I'm sorry, (y/n), but you're just going to have to put up with us all day,"

"Are you joking? Don't apologise! It'll be great fun!"

The two lazy members came back after they had changed clothes. Key saw the last pancake first. "WHAT! There's only one pancake left! How did you guys eat so many?!"

Jonghyun stealthily ran to the table as Key let out a shout of anger and disappointment. But Jonghyun wasn't faster than Onew, who grabbed the pancake and shoved it in his mouth. Everyone at the table was laughing, except Jonghyun and Key. "Well, maybe you should come early for breakfast, and be dressed properly," Minho told them, encouraging more laughter.

"I regret eating that pancake now.. I'll do anything to keep those two quiet!" Onew mumbled.

The two who missed out on breakfast began complaining, so Taemin came up with a solution. "We'll get food on the way to the studio, okay?" This stopped them from complaining immediately.

The five of them grabbed their sunglasses and hats, or 'disguises' as Onew liked to call them. (He thought disguises sounded more mysterious...). Then, you all walked out into the streets towards the studio.

It was only a ten minute walk and you had plenty to keep yourself occupied with... ;)

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