Music Video

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You arrived at Suncheon with a dazed look in your eyes. You had never been anywhere so pretty before. You could see the beach in front of you, the sea slowly blending with the sky at the horizon. You were ready to spend the whole day by this beach, soaking up the sun, swimming, and reading a good book, but your manager had decided otherwise. He directed you, Hara, and the camera crew to the nearby town, thinking that it fitted your songs concept more. He was right, the beach wouldn't fit the song, but you just really wanted a nice day at the beach... Maybe another day, when you needed to make another music video.. Or whenever you had an excuse to come back here.

You trudged along the uneven pavements, and you could hardly believe that you were in the same area as that beach. It looked completely different, and was a sight that you were more familiar with. A few chairs were set up, and Hara sat you down in one, calling your make-up artist and stylist over.

It felt like you were getting a mask glued onto your face, and you dreaded having to take your make-up off later on, especially the eye make-up. You hadn't seen yourself yet, but you knew that this was going to look extravagant and... interesting, to say the least.

Your hair stylist found your hair 'horrendous' and was thinking about cutting it all off so you could start growing it again, 'properly this time', according to him. He said that he had 'an urge' to dye your hair then and there, but there wasn't enough time, so he just curled your hair slightly, making it bounce on your shoulders.

Your stylist showed you the outfit and you nodded your head in agreement at it, even though you had never worn anything like it before. First time for everything.. The outfit she proposed was black shorts and a green long sleeved crop top, with roman numerals running down the sleeves and around the hem. Your stylist kept changing her mind between two outfits, and she began to get very huffy. In the end she stuck with the first outfit, but gave you a purple snap-back with your name on it to wear. She came back a third time to give you a choker necklace to wear.

Hair, make-up, and outfit sorted, and all three were happy with the result. You finally got to look at yourself in the mirror, and you had to look behind you to make sure it was no-one else's reflection staring back at you. What had they done to you?! You were poking your cheeks, confused, but someone pulled your fingers away from your face. You continued staring for another second, before facing whoever it was.

"Annyeonghaseyo," He started politely.


"Wait, (y/n)?!" He was as equally shocked.

"Uhh, yeah! What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I should ask you! I got told to come here by manager hyung to feature in a music video. Apparently, it's meant to be a great success," He smiled, staring at you. It made you blush slightly, but you hoped that the thick layer of make-up covered it.

"Uh, Minho?" You said.


"This is my music video.." You told him awkwardly.

"What do you mean? Really?"

"Don't sound so surprised! Did you not realise that I'm a bit more dressed up than usual??!?!!" You said, giving him a light punch on the arm for being so ignorant.

"Oh, righhtt... That makes more sense," He chuckled. You rolled your eyes at him.

A man strode up to the two of you, his hands flailing wildly in the air above him.

"Okaayy... You two are in love... But you're not, at the same time.. It's a conflicted relationship! You're upset, no.. DISTRAUGHT, and you have to get over him! You struggle with your inner self, as he tries to win you back!! Ahhh... yes, perfect! Comprrrende?" He asked, rolling his r's, while flashing an award winning smile at you.

He seemed like a very passionate man.. passionate, but misunderstood. You and Minho glanced at each other, wondering whether this was a prank.

"Errm, sorry, but, who are you?" You asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Ahh, the young are so naive these days.. a pity. I am your director, missy," He said, putting one hand on his hip, giving you a distasteful look up and down.

"Pleasure to meet you," You smiled, with enough sarcasm to make Minho laugh.

"So, over there is an alleyway with a dead end. That's where we're filming you for most of the video. You'll be lip-syncing as well, the music will be playing, so just follow along. You'll reach the end of the alleyway, as the chorus begins. The beat and pitch will change, you will jump around facing the camera, and DANCE AND SING!!! Show your emotions! You'll be angry, distraught, confused, and vengeful! Convince us," He rambled on, pointing to various areas, and demonstrating certain movements and facial expressions you should make.

"You!" He pointed at Minho.

"Yes?" Minho replied.

"There will be shots of you, feeling the same emotions as her, and a few shots of you together, as if in a flashback,"

"Okay. And, just in case you didn't know, that's (y/n), and I'm Minho," He said slowly, as if talking to a child. The director had walked away half-way through his sentence, rudely.

"I tried.." He sighed, turning to face you.

"I know.. I don't think there's much hope for him, but thanks for trying anyway," You grinned.

Filming today was the first time you really had to think about the way you looked and positioned yourself in front of a camera. It wasn't as easy as you thought it would be, but Minho was a professional at this, he managed to act all of his scenes so naturally and accurately. He was good at encouraging and giving you useful advice.

It took a few takes to get your dancing section at the end of the alleyway perfect, mainly because you could see Hara dancing along with you, and it made you giggle every time. The production and camera crew quickly noticed, and took her out of your sight, so you could finish the dance properly.

Previously, you had been concerned that the scenes with you and Minho would be awkward, but they really weren't, although you did have to get very close to him. At one point your noses were touching, and he crossed his eyes for a second, which almost made you both explode with laughter. You managed to film the scenes where you two were together the quickest. They 'loved the emotions' that the two of you showed..

While you were re-watching the final cut, you almost believed the storyline yourself, since you couldn't recognise yourself fully with all the make-up and fancy clothes. Everyone was crowded around the small screen watching, and Minho had his arm around your shoulder. When it was over, everyone cheered and celebrated. You looked up at Minho, and he looked so happy, and a little bit proud. You hugged, swaying back and forth, while laughing, giddy with the success of your efforts.

You wondered how people would react to your song, and your music video. It suddenly dawned at you that you were going to debut.

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