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Congrats, cutie! Look forward to seeing you at work! Meet us in town at 2.00pm, okay? We'll be waiting for you.. ;)

You couldn't help but smile at the encouraging text you received from Jiyong. Yang Hyun-suk had told you that you needed to change your image, as you were, effectively starting again, in a completely different company. He had entrusted Jiyong, Taeyang, Daesung, Seunghyun, and Seungri to take care of that. The thought of them in control of your image made you feel slightly uneasy.

You checked your phone one last time before leaving. You were hoping to see a message from Jonghyun, or Key, or any of them, since they had said that they would fill you in on all the details, and tell you how they were doing. And you needed to tell them about how you were doing... But, no, there were no new messages. Slightly disappointed, you headed into town to see what Big Bang were planning to do to change up your image for YG.

You were walking down the street, and you saw that they were waiting for you outside a coffee shop. Taeyang handed you a coffee cup with a grin plastered on his face. You took it hesitantly, glancing at the others.

"Don't worry! I haven't put anything in it! It's just coffee," Taeyang protested. You laughed at him, trying to apologise through your laughter.

"Okay, come on. We have a lot to do today, and we don't have much time," Seunghyun said, looking you up and down.

"Yah! What's wrong with me now?!!" You asked, folding your arms.

"Nothing (y/n)!!! You just look like the cute face of SM... not the awesome singer at YG," Jiyong calmed you down, giving Seunghyun a glare. He just shrugged in return.

They dragged you to the hairdressers first.

"So what are we doing today?" A woman asked.

"We need a fresh new look for this cutie," Jiyong said, pointing at you.

"Any ideas?" She asked, turning to you.

"Well, I thought maybe-"

"It just has to be completely different, so it absolutely needs to be cut shorter," Taeyang cut you off.

"Not too short though!" You insisted.

"You should definitely have it dyed too," Seungri added, ignoring you.

"Oooo, yeah! How about red?" Daesung suggested.

"Not red... blue?" Seungri said, dismissing Daesung's suggestion.

"I think purple, but not fully dyed... dip dyed," Jiyong finalised, getting nods of agreement from the others.

Everyone was ignoring you, typically. Who knew how you were going to look when you walked out of the hairdressers. You stood awkwardly, biting your lip, lost in thought. Jiyong shook your shoulders.


"Are you okay? I swear I'll make you look good," He reassured.

"Let's just get it over with. I'll feel much better when it's all finished,"

"Trust me, the mix of purple will look amazing, especially when you wear your purple snapback,"

You sighed and sat down in the nearest styling chair. The woman fluffed up your hair, muttering things to herself.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yep!" You tried to sound motivated.

You grabbed a magazine to flick through as she snipped away at your hair, humming along to the radio. The others watched as she mixed the dye, to make sure she got the perfect shade of purple before dip dying your hair. As soon as Jiyong finally gave the thumbs up, she brushed the tips of your hair, and wrapped it in aluminium foil. Seunghyun giggled at you as he snapped a picture of you, with partially foiled hair.

"Yah! You'd better not put that online!" You threatened.

"Oops... too late!" He smirked, turning his phone to face you. The picture made you face palm and go red with embarrassment. It wasn't particularly flattering, to say the least.

"Just you wait Mr. T.O.P, I'll get you for that..." You said, curling your hand into a fist and waving it at him.

It was a little while before she could take off the foil, so they went to grab snacks, apart from Taeyang, who stayed with you.

"Finally!" He sighed, grinning as usual.

"What?" You frowned.

"I can hardly get a second of peace with those punks around!" He huffed, taking a seat next to you.

"I can believe that," You chuckled.

"Well, that and I also wanted to talk to you,"

"What about?"

"What do you think, pabo? Jiyong!" He rolled his eyes at you.


"As his right hand man, slash bff, slash awesome person in general, I have to take responsibility for talking to you about Jiyong. To be honest, he is a changed man," Taeyang told you.

"You say it like it's me whose changed him, which I haven't," You insisted.

"But, I really think you have! Ever since that day that we met you in that SM building, he's been different. He stopped smoking, he rarely goes to parties with us, and he doesn't drink any more than one beer a day... It's that big of a change... And I think he's better off for it! I mean, I can't pretend that he's an angel or anything, but compared to what he used to be like, wow..."

"I'm sure he just had a reality check," You shrugged casually, but inside you were freaking out.

Taeyang opened his mouth to protest, but he saw Jiyong, Seunghyun, Daesung and Seungri return, with handfuls of crisps and chocolates. Seungri tossed a bag of crisps to Taeyang without warning, hitting him in the face.

"Catch!" He smirked.

"Aishh, you'll regret that!" Taeyang smiled slyly.

"I'm so scared!" Seungri whimpered sarcastically, before bursting into laughter. You rolled your eyes at them, sighing. Jiyong noticed and chuckled. He handed you a pack of mints.

"Key told me you always need mints, whether you already have a packet or not, so I brought you one,"

"Key told you?" You frowned. You didn't think that Big Bang and SHINee were that talkative with each other.

"Well, I asked him why you had so many packs of mints, and he said you needed them to steady your nerves. And even though there's no need to be nervous, if they make you feel better, they're worth it," He smiled.

"Thanks Jiyongie!" You said, popping one into your mouth.

"Right, it's the moment of truth," Your hairdresser said, starting to unwrap the folded aluminium foil that concealed the purple dye.

Jiyong covered your eyes with his hands. "No peeking," He whispered.

"Okay," You agreed, but it just made you even more nervous. At least you had mints.

"Three, two, ONE!" Daesung yelled, as Jiyong removed his hands.

You sat there smiling into the mirror, completely speechless. The others grinned and high-fived. You covered your mouth with your hands, and leaned towards the mirror, making sure that it was your reflection. You had never felt so happy with the way you looked before... The streaks of purple that were in your hair, blended together perfectly with your natural colour. It was shorter than usual, and bounced airily when you moved. You turned around and hugged them.

"Thank you so much!" You bowed to your hairdresser, who was glad that you were so pleased with the result.

"Mission, successful!" Seunghyun approved.

You had a grin on your face, and your confidence grew. YG didn't seem so bad.

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