I Can't Stand It

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After you saw Onew walk out of the room, everyone was exchanging concerned looks with each other, trying to decide who was going to follow him with your eyes. You sighed and got up, leaving the room in what felt like an ever-lasting silence of awkwardness. "Uhh, I'm just going to the bathroom," You said, excusing yourself from the table.

You peered around the door and looked left and right before going into the corridor. It was empty. You started to go in the direction of the bathroom anyway, making your lie more believable if anyone actually saw you. As you were passing the doorways to other meeting rooms, you heard whimpering that stopped abruptly. You were about to continue to the bathroom, but you were facing a tough mental dilemma. Whoever was upset might want to be left alone, but they might be upset because they were left alone. Maybe you could help? The worst that could happen is that they would tell you to leave them alone. Yet, finding Onew was the reason you left the table in the first place, and you were anxious to find him. Then you thought, what if it is Onew?

You stepped tentatively into the room, making as little sound as possible, and you looked around. To your dismay, it was Onew, who looked like a rabbit in the headlights. His eyes widened and he tensed up noticing you, before burying his head in his knees, and shaking his head left and right. You walked over to him, almost in tears yourself. You hated that seeing other people cry also made you cry.

"Hey.. Onew," You sniffed, approaching him with a gentle tone in your voice. You sat down next to him, shoulder to shoulder, and you lightly touched his arm. He flinched at first, but relaxed into it.

"I'm so embarrassed, I hate you seeing me like this," He mumbled into his knees.

"Don't be embarrassed, I think me seeing you cry proves that you're more human! But, whatever is wrong, I promise that it will get better, because it always does," You told him, remaining positive.

He glanced up at you with glistening eyes.

"Pinky promise?" He asked.

A tear fell down your face, but you were smiling back at Onew.

"Pinky promise," You confirmed.

He wrapped his arms around you, and rested his chin on your shoulder. "I'm the only one who's allowed to cry, so stop," He ordered. You just laughed.

He leaned out of the hug, so your faces were inches away from each other.

"I can see what sort of game Kai is playing, and I don't like it," He whispered.

"What do you mean?" You puzzled.

"I can't stand it - the way you two are together, it makes me so..." He looked down at the floor before finishing his sentence.

"So what?!"

"It makes me feel kind of jealous," Onew kept his gaze fixed on the floor.

"Onew! You shouldn't be feeling jealous, you know that your the only one I look out for!" You winked playfully.

"Stop trying to be cute!" He said.

You blushed. "You know it's true though, right?" You double-checked.

"Yes, and the same goes for you," He fake scolded you, making you giggle.

"I'm yours and you're mine," You recited dully, making fun of all the stereotypical romantic movies you had ever watched.

"I wish you would say it seriously..." Onew pouted.

You were about to laugh again, but you realised that he really meant it. Oh my god, he really meant it. In shock, you just grabbed his hand and said, "Let's get back to dinner, they'll be waiting for us,".

Reluctantly, Onew stood up and followed you out.

While you were in the corridor, you smiled at what you were about to do. You whispered in his ear, "I'm yours and you're mine," and you kissed him on the cheek.

As you walked back to the table holding hands, you couldn't help but notice the smug look Onew had on his face.

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