Picking up the Pieces

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You knew you were awake, but you didn't want to open your eyes. Maybe it would be better just not waking up. You went to reach for your alarm clock, but your hand was heavier than you remembered. Then, you realised, that you weren't at home. Now, you were more scared to open your eyes. Your curiosity was too strong, and you opened your eyes a small bit. 

You stared at the empty, plain ceiling for a few seconds before you noticed someone asleep next to you, resting their head on the side of your bed, and grasping your hand gently and weakly. You moved your hand back and forth slightly, and he began to stir. 

As he woke, he immediately started smiling at you. You could see that he had been crying, as his eyes were red and puffy.

"Jjong, we brought some food and drinks - oooo, (y/n)... how are you feeling???" Key asked, rushing to join Jonghyun beside your bed. He knelt down on the floor so you didn't have to sit up. 

"I'm just tired," You croaked, clutching your throat in shock. The other two were surprised as well. This was not the time to get a faint voice. 

"Maybe a smoothie would help?" Key asked, holding it out to you. 

Jonghyun took the cap off the bottle for you, and you started sipping straight away. 

"Where are Taemin, Minho and Onew?" You asked quietly.

"I'm here! I'm here!! I was just in the bathroom...sorry," Taemin said sheepishly, hurrying over to you.

"Uhh, Minho and Onew are at the studio.. manager hyung wanted to talk to them about something," Key told you.

"Oh.. okay," You replied. You hoped that they weren't in any trouble.

"Lee Soo-Man has rescheduled the meeting for tomorrow morning," Jonghyun said.

You gulped down the remains of the smoothie, saying nothing. You weren't particularly looking forward to this meeting, and no-one knew anything about it.. so of course you were nervous. Plus, this was the man who essentially founded SMent - no pressure, huh..

The doctor walked in, clutching a clipboard and a pen, scribbling something down. 

"Alright! How are we feeling? How's the cast?" He said, not paying that much attention to his surroundings. You were pretty sure that you weren't meant to have visitors, but you were happy for him to ignore that. 

You hadn't even really noticed the cast yet, and you looked down at it in despair. This was going to be a real pain to get used to.. But the cast wasn't your only worry.

"Uh, my voice, will it --"

"Oh, yes, you're a singer, right? Don't panic, your voice will be back to normal by tomorrow morning at the latest," He smiled encouragingly.

You sighed and nodded, not wanting to worsen your voice.

"Talking won't do that much harm either. It's your broken fingers that you should be more concerned about. You have to wear that cast for three weeks," He informed you.

Everyone exchanged worried glances. They knew that it would be difficult to keep up with rehearsals with three broken fingers. You ignored the thought for now, focusing on something that was more important to you.

"How's my brother? Where is he?" 

"He'll be absolutely fine. He was dropping in and out of conciousness for a while, but has improved a lot. The last time he was out was over an hour ago, so he's stable now. Don't worry, that's normal after a minor head injury. We've stitched up a few cuts, so all he has are two scars, which will fade over time," 

"So, can I see him?" 

"Of course,"


"Jason?" You called out timidly.

"(Y/N)!" He said, sitting up instantly. 

Just looking at his bruised face made you upset. You could clearly see the two stitches the doctor was talking about, one across his cheek, and one between his right eyebrow and eyelid. He broke down into tears, so you ran over and hugged him. 

"I'm so sorry..." He blubbered through his tears. 

"It's done now. Just don't do it again, yeah?" You laughed, trying to hold back tears of your own. 

"Yes (y/n)," He replied seriously, sniffling. 

"Does it hurt?" He asked, pointing at your cast. 

"It's not that bad," You said.

"And your face," He grimaced.

"What? What's wrong with my face?" You panicked, realising that you hadn't looked in the mirror since you woke up.

"You have a massive cut on the left side of your face!" 

You tentatively touched your face, locating the cut. You ran your fingers around it, and it spread from your forehead to your jaw. It stung to the touch, and you winced from the sudden bursts of pain. 

"Nothing a bit of make-up can't fix, I'm sure," You laughed nervously, desperate to see what you looked like.

"You two can leave when you're ready. Try not to cause any more trouble for your sister, and I'll see you again in three weeks," He sighed, walking into his office.

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