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After your incredibly boring day of doing nothing, you ended it by sitting at the kitchen table with a tub of ice cream, flicking through a magazine. You had given up on losing weight for now. You were too tired and sad to even try. You made a mental promise to yourself to put some effort into exercising when Hara next asked you. 

The door opened and you sat up straight. Jason chucked his bag on the sofa along with his phone, and took the letters that were on the doorstep over to you. 

"How was school?" You asked, your mouth full of delicious ice cream.

He made a small noise and went to his room without looking at you. You rolled your eyes and sighed. Typical teenager, you thought, remembering how you used to behave when you were his age. You put down your spoon and picked up the letters. 

The first one looked like a bill, so you immediately decided to open that one last. The next looked very fancy, the address written in swirly, curly writing. You opened it carefully, trying not to rip the envelope. It read in printed text:

Kim Junmyeon and Kim Sodam invite Jonghyun, Onew, Key, Minho, Taemin, (y/n), and Jason to their wedding on the 22nd December at 12.00pm.

There was something scrawled at the bottom of the invitation:

I really hope all of you can make it! If you have too busy of a schedule, I can understand that you will be unable to attend. Hope to see you soon!!! :)

You grinned at the letter, you were so happy for her!!! She must be so excited! You would drop by their apartment next week to check up on her. It felt like you hadn't spoken to her for ages.. 

You wondered whether the others would be able to go. Wouldn't they still be on tour? Or would they take a few days off? Surely at least Jonghyun would, since it's his sister. She knew that they were on a world tour, right? 

The buzzing that came from Jason's phone startled you. You ignored it, and went back to reading your magazine. It kept on buzzing, and it was becoming difficult to concentrate.

"Yah! Jason! Your phone keeps buzzing!" You yelled, but got no response in return. 

"If you don't get it, I will!" You threatened, positive that he would instantly come out to fetch it.

You were surprised when he didn't even respond.. You hadn't initially intended to actually go through with reading his texts, but you were so curious. And it buzzed again! What!? Was he really that popular in his new school??! 

You slowly walked up to his phone, and watched the screen flash every now and again.


You grabbed his phone quickly, looking around to see if Jason saw you or not. You unlocked his phone, and laughed when his password was his birthday. If he really didn't want anyone getting into his phone, he would have at least tried to have a better password.. 

You tapped on the messages icon, and saw that he had 14 new texts. You read through them shocked and upset, covering your mouth with your hand. You half wished you hadn't read them. They were a series of hurtful texts like 'go back to where you came from', 'no one likes you', 'why do you even come to school when we know you're too poor to pay for it and too stupid to stay in it',  and the one that made you feel internally sick, 'just kill yourself already'.

A Coincidence (SHINee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now