Brother Troubles

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The next day, you walked up to your parents' small bungalow with bad memories from yesterday swarming through your head. Taemin's arm was around your waist in a reassuring manner as you rang the doorbell with shaky hands. After there was no answer, you took a mint each to calm down, and then tried again.

This time the door was answered, but not by your parents. It was your younger brother. "Long time no see squirt! What are you doing here?! You should be at school!" You exclaimed.

"What're you doing here, you're meant to be in Korea! And who's that?" He replied smugly. You rolled your eyes at him.

"Touché... None of your business anyway! Where's mum and dad?" You ignored his question, keeping Taemin out of the equation.

"They're in the kitchen..."

You signalled for Taemin to follow you to the kitchen, and he gladly obeyed.

"(Y/N)?" You heard someone say from the other room.

"Hi," You sighed, remembering how much you had missed your parents, and how much you were going to miss them once you had left. Your mother pulled you into a hug, while your father stood staring at you confounded.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but why are you here?" Your father droned.

"I'm here to tell you some news,"

"You're not pregnant are you?!" He asked, his eyes wide and darting between you and Taemin.

"NO! Is that really what you think of me?!" You shouted, casting a Minho worthy glare at your father, which caused him to take a step back.

"Well, it can't be any worse than what your brother told us this morning.." Your mother cut in.

"Why....What did he do?" You asked, nervously anticipating the answer.

"He's decided to drop out of school to become a so called 'artist',"

You laughed awkwardly and anxiously, as that was extremely similar to your plan of action. Brother like sister much? Your brother strutted into the room giving you a wide, sadistic smirk. It was almost like he knew what you were going to tell them.

"Actually, sorry to burst your bubble dad, but (y/n) is doing exactly the same as me, and worse! She's becoming a singer - IN KOREA," Your brother blurted out, unable to keep this information to himself for too long.

Everyone in the room looked at your brother, blinked, and then turned to face you. You couldn't believe that you didn't even get to tell them first, it was that squirt! Even Taemin had understood parts of that outburst and started to rub your shoulder. You took a very long pause, as you fumbled around in your bag for another mint, this time, not offering anyone else one. You took a deep breath to completely stop your shaking before you started to explain.

"How did you know that?" You said seriously and quietly, in a low voice. You could tell that your brother knew that he was treading on dangerous waters now.

"Uhhhh...Luke text me about it yesterday," He responded, hoping that he had the right thing to you.

"But is it true?" Your parents asked at the same time.

"Y-Yes, it is. And I would really appreciate it if you respect my decision. I've been the happiest I've ever been in Korea, and for some bizarre reason, someone from a huge music company is taking a chance - on me..." You were laughing at your unlikely circumstance.

"I guess all I can say is good luck!" Your mother said, concealing her true feelings.

"And I guess all I can say is don't do anything stupid, stupid... And you - take care of her," He said, directing the last part at Taemin, who nodded sincerely in response.

"What?!!! That's it!? No lecture, no shouting? Why does she get off for free?!" Your brother yelled out in annoyance.

"You're sixteen Jason! We're still going to be stuck with you in America, but (y/n)'s leaving the goddamn country!" Your father yelled back even louder that Jason.

"Don't talk to me," He mumbled as he stomped to his room.

You ran up behind him and gave him a hug. You couldn't leave without doing that. He stopped his tantrum, realising how much this meant to you, before shrugging you off. You knew you had at least gotten the message across to him. You were going to miss him, and he was going to miss you too, even if he denied it. You two were like glue when you were younger, but that was a long time ago now...

Although your parents had smiles painted across their faces, you knew that underneath their façade, they were sad. It pained you to see them faking their emotions for you. They shouldn't have to do that.

Meanwhile, Taemin was being a complete gentleman, and had managed to charm both your parents, despite his limited English vocabulary. You grinned at the sight and talked with them for a while. They cooked a delicious goodbye meal for you. Jason skipped dinner, so you left a plate outside his door, and slipped a note through the crack of his door letting him know that it was there if he wanted it.

Soon, it was time for you and Taemin to take your overnight flight back to Korea. You knocked on Jason's door, noticing that the food was still untouched. When you got no response, you cried out, "See you around, squirt!". Your voice broke down and your eyes glistened with melancholy. Taemin coughed softly from behind you, and you quickly spun around.

"We should get going now.."

"Yeah.." You breathed heavily.

"Don't worry, we'll be home soon," Taemin embraced you. You looked around, and you finally understood the phrase, 'a home away from home'.

"By the way, are all Americans like your friends and family?" Taemin asked innocently. You could only laugh.

You said your goodbyes to your teary eyed parents, and left for the airport once more.

While you were in the taxi, you jumped up, suddenly remembering something. Taemin gave you a confused look.

"I forgot to call Onew!" You said whilst dialling his number into your phone.

"Annyeonghaseyo..." Onew groaned. You had also forgotten that it would be early morning in Korea when you called.

"Onew.. sorry that I forgot to call, and sorry if I woke you up," You said as quietly as possible, trying not to disturb him further.

"Nope, you didn't wake me up," He said, but he was lying.

"We're on our way back now, we'll probably arrive in the afternoon,"

"Wait, I've got to tell you something!"

"Mm-hmm?" You hummed, giving him the go ahead.

"There's a photo going around on the internet of you and Taemin in America, so the airport's going to be crowded," Onew warned. Taemin overheard, his eyes wide and full of worry.

"Thanks for letting us know," You said.

"I hope you make it!" Onew joked.

"See you later, Onew,"

"Saranghae..." Onew sung quietly, out of Taemin's hearing range.

"Saranghae," You whispered back, but Taemin heard you, and grinned, raising his eyebrows at you suggestively.

"SHUT UP!!" You said.

"I'm saying nothing!" He winked at you. You rolled your eyes at him.

"We need to call security and let them know about the incoming storm of fans,"

"That's a good idea," Taemin said, beginning to contact several security guards at the airport, but the fan had already invaded.

You wondered if you would have this many fans one day. You hoped so. To have so many people care about you would be unreal..

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