Weekly Idol

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The weekend was getting closer day by day. Before you could be relieved of your secret keeping, there was one last thing you had to do.

Onew had asked you to come with him and the others to support SHINee on Weekly Idol. Originally, you had declined, since you were tired and frustrated with all the work you had been doing, but Onew wasn't going to leave without you that Friday morning.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Taemin asked.

"Yep," You replied shortly, keeping your gaze fixed on the magazine you were reading.

"But...pleeasse!" Onew whined.

"Nope," You insisted.

"Come on!!! Please!" He continued.

"Nuh-uh," You sighed, flicking the page of the magazine over.

"Fine then.. I'm going to drag you," Onew decided grumpily.

"What?!" You shouted.

You were not quick enough to get out of the inevitable fate. Minho grabbed your legs, and Key grabbed your arms. Jonghyun held up your stomach, which made you squirm. Taemin was by the door looking disapprovingly at his hyungs. Onew was orchestrating the whole situation.

You almost managed to escape, but that would leave you bruised on the floor. There was no possible outcome that would mean that you would get your way. You would either fall and hurt yourself, or be dragged off to sit in some room to watch your friends and your boyfriend on a silly talk show. Great...

"FINE! JUST PUT ME DOWN - SAFELY! OR I SWEAR, I WILL--" You yelled over the hysterical giggles, making sure to add safely to 'put me down', otherwise you would still end up on the floor.

The giggles quickly subsided, and you were pretty sure that you had scared Jonghyun with your shouting and threats. They left you sprawled on the sofa, waiting for what you had to say.You caught your breath before sighing loudly.

"Do I really have to go?" You said, using your best aegyo. This was your final attempt. You even thought you had convinced Onew, who was aww-ing at your pleading facial expressions. He moved closer, so your noses were touching, before apologising and saying a stubborn no.

They gave you five minutes to get dressed into proper clothes and to put some make-up on. You couldn't be bothered to pick out anything in particular, so you wore a t-shirt you got at the SMent concert, and ripped, loose, comfy jeans. You grabbed your favourite black hoodie and your cosy hat as you walked out the door. You were annoyed that they seemed surprised by how fast you got ready.

When you arrived, they were taken off to get 'television ready'. You gave them good luck hugs and got poked in the cheek by one of the spikes on Key's leather jacket. As an excuse, he said that he liked his clothes to be 'fashionably dangerous'... You rolled your eyes at Key, while he pretended to be offended.

You made your way to the backstage viewing area. It was only a small room with a television, a table, and a sofa in it. You sunk down into the comfy sofa, pulling your hat over your ears to keep them warm.

Despite the fact that you initially didn't want to come watch them, you still felt somewhat proud watching them. They had worked so hard and had become so successful. They truly deserved everything they had.

You zoned out a bit around the halfway mark of filming, since you could hear your stomach rumbling. It was super loud, so you needed to fix it. You headed out of your little viewing area to search for a piece of fruit, or something...

You couldn't see anything edible, and you didn't want to disturb anyone who was working, so you were taking one last look around, standing hopefully on your tiptoes. You swore that you could smell something cooking. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped as you saw the Korean beef that was being served to the five in front of you.

Key began to laugh like a mad man and pointed towards you out of breath. You put your hand over your mouth, self-concious that Key saw you drooling over their food.

Unfortunately, the two presenters noticed Key's laughing fit, and they followed his line of vision, straight to you. Your stomach rumbled audibly, and you weren't sure whether it was hunger or nerves this time.

Onew's face lit up when he saw you and smiled, waving you over to join them. You thought that was a bad idea, and it seemed like Taemin, Minho, and Jonghyun agreed, judging by the looks they gave Onew. You simply shook your head, although the beef seemed to be the better option than the fruit.

Of course the hosts stepped in, and they also waved you over, even though they didn't know who you were.

"Yah! Do you remember what happened earlier when I didn't get my way?!" Onew called over to you, making you take a few steps back, worried. You thought it would be better to remain silent. Onew was getting odd looks from the hosts and filming crew, and warning glances from his fellow band mates.

He sighed, yet laughed at the same time, shaking his head as he walked towards you. He suddenly broke into a run towards you, causing you to gasp noisily. Somehow, Onew managed to pick you up and twirl you gently. He carried you onto the set, and sat you down on his seat. He sat on the floor, resting his head on your legs.

You looked at the others confused and anxious, double-checking with them that this was really happening. What was Onew's thinking!?!? You only ever wanted a piece of fruit...

"A-Annyeonghaseyo, uh, I'm (y/n)," You stuttered, wanting to get your Korean perfect.

"Annyeonghaseyo (y/n)! Nervous much!?" They joked with each other.

Taemin cast a look of sympathy towards you, as you smiled awkwardly. Well, they were right about the nervous thing.

Thankfully the conversation continued normally, as they weren't here to interview you. Onew did, however, become rather distracted with you. He was persistent on feeding you the beef. You happily accepted the first few bites, but if you kept going, there would be hardly any left for the rest of them. You kept having to push his hands away. Even after Minho nudged him to stop, he kept going.

It was obvious to the interviewers that Onew wasn't focused.

"Onew-ah.. what are you doing? Getting bored of us?"

"No! I'm sorry!" Onew said.

The comment they made sorted him out fro the rest of the interview. As soon as they got up to play a game, you swiftly exited. You had your hand to your forehead, shaking your head in annoyance.

Your manager was going to be so angry with you - with you both! You had appeared on Weekly Idol before you were even an idol! You massaged your temples with trembling hands. You grabbed the tub of tic tacs out of your pocket and held it above your mouth, shaking four or five out.

Ughh, you felt as though you might be sick. Could these five possibly cause any more trouble for you?

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