Theme Park Anyone?

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Success! Kind of... You worked together to get that video off any site you saw it on, but of course you all knew that once something's on the internet, it's not going to completely disappear. Well, you guys did your best, and you were satisfied with the results.

Everyone was slumped in various positions around the room, but all with the same expressions - tired. You were pretty fed up with the whole situation that got you here in the first place. You leaned against a wall and folded your arms while sighing.

 Key ran into the middle of the room, and started spinning around in circles, "YAH!! We need to lighten the mood!" Key earned a little smile from you, but lost his balance, and fell to the floor. Unfazed by falling over, Key acted even giddier, and started rolling over across the floor while laughing. Minho rushed over and tried to grab Key off the floor, but like earlier, Key did not want to part from the floor. "Come on, stop messing!" Minho said, trying to sound serious, but failing. 

"But what if I want to mess?" Key played, and suddenly pulled Minho down to join him on the floor. "I'm just trying to create a happier atmosphere," Key justified, as Minho was giving him a glare. "You sure you aren't still drunk?" Minho mocked.

One by one, you joined Key and Minho on the floor, until you were all sat cross-legged in a circle. 

"You know, I still have those tickets for the theme park.. if you want to go," Taemin teased.

"YESSSSS," You all shouted, making Taemin jump up in the air.

"OKAYYY!" Taemin shouted back, creating even more laughter.  

"Now this is what I meant by lightening the mood!" Key said. He was very enthusiastic. 

You called a taxi to take you to the theme park. You were all giggling like a bunch of children on their way to Disneyland! When you stepped out of the taxi and looked around at the five amazing people smiling at you, you truly felt pure happiness.(You also felt like you were in a movie :D) You had never been so close with one person before, let alone five you'd known for two and a half days! 

As you entered the theme park, you realised that you were all walking in a line, linking arms with each other. Jonghyun broke off from the line and started running towards the scariest looking roller-coaster. Typical... 

You did like roller-coasters, but did you really have to go on the scariest one? You could deal with the moderately scary ones. Plus, you really did not want to get sick, ore anyone else to get sick. They still had hangovers, which would not be a good mix with all the screams either! You were really over thinking - again.. 'Just go for it - no regrets!' You told yourself before returning to real life. 

You must have had a blank look on your face, as Taemin was looking at you, and was very confused. "I'm fine," You said, while blushing out of embarrassment. After you said that, Taemin was relieved, and ran off with Key and Minho to join Jonghyun in the queue for the ride. 

You and Onew weren't running because you were too tired. He must have also noticed your vacant expression earlier, as he said, "We don't have to go on that ride if you don't want to,". 

"No, I want to," You said, reinforcing your decision you made to yourself.

"You sure?" He double checked.

"Yes," You nodded.

"I was just making sure, because you know, I'm probably more scared of it than you are, so I would gladly skip this one," Onew joked.

"Haha! Just wait until we're on the ride, and you'll be able to hear who's the most scared!"

It turned out that neither you or Onew were the most scared. It was actually Jonghyun, who was the most eager to go on the roller-coaster in the first place! When he stepped off the ride he was swaying back and forth slightly. "That was a piece of cake! Is that really the scariest they've got?" You all laughed, as his voice was shaking when he said it. 

After going on ten rides, you looked at the time and it was way past lunchtime. No wonder you were so hungry! "Hey, I'm going to get some candy floss, anyone want anything?" You asked.

"OHHH! French fries please!! NO - curly french fries!!!" Key yelled. He obviously had an adrenaline rush.

"If you see any fruit, could you grab me an apple please?" Minho asked more politely than Key.

"CHICKEN PLS," Onew put simply, while grinning

"Got it!" You said. 

"I'll go with you, otherwise you won't be able to carry everything back with you!" Taemin insisted.

You agreed, and you split away from the group. You grabbed the food with no problems, which was unusual. Taemin kept smiling at you and whenever he did it, you became even more annoyed.

 After a couple minutes of looks, you said, "What is it?!?!" Taemin just giggled in response, which frustrated you further. "Just tell me already!!"

"Okay.. Have you been noticing anything different in the group? Like, anyone acting differently?" He couldn't hold his smile back.

"Apart from you being weird, no!" You were annoyed at this pointless conversation.

"(Y/N)! Isn't it SOOOO obvious?!!" 

"No, I don't see what's SOOOO obvious!" You replied.

"It's Onew hyung!!! He's been acting weird for ages, so I asked him what was wrong last night, but he shrugged me off saying he had a lot on his mind. So then, I went to Key, who promised to probe Onew further. And it turns out that when he said 'he had a lot on his mind' he actually meant that he had you on his mind!!!" Taemin rambled.

"Come on - don't joke around like that," you frowned.

"I'm serious!!"

"Sure," You dismissed Taemin's theory. Even if Onew did say that, he was drunk last night anyway, so he wouldn't have meant it. But did you want him to mean it?

You didn't know yet.

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