Doctor Appointments

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You were dropped off by Minho last night, and Onew immediately called the nearest hospital. You didn't want to move a muscle. Minho knelt by your side, touching your forehead with the back of his hand, giving you goosebumps. Onew pushed him aside and sat in his place. Minho was about to retaliate, but Key pulled him into the kitchen, diffusing the tension in the room.

Onew practically dragged you to the hospital after you almost fainted, to your dismay. You were positive that there was nothing wrong with you. It was a bad combination of Hara and yourself pushing you past your limit.

When the doctor called your name, Onew tried to come with you, but he wasn't allowed in. You had a couple of blood tests, had your blood pressure taken, and was weighed and measured; but that was all.

You were told to go back into the waiting room while the doctor saw to another patient. Onew saw the plasters on your arms from the blood tests, rushed over and quickly hugged you, avoiding touching the the plasters.

"Are you okay? What did he do? Did you find out what was wrong?"

"Calm down! We'll get the results in a few minutes, he just needed to see another patient first!" You reassured him.

"Ah, sorry for the third degree..I just want to make sure that you're okay. By the way, if you want a new choreographer, give me a hint, and I'll contact our manager,"

"No! You can't get rid of Hara! She was helping me to improve my dancing!" You insisted.

"Let me know if you change your mind,"

"Sure," You smiled, chuckling at his protectiveness. You vaguely remembered how he acted towards Minho earlier, but shook off your thoughts about what would've happened if Key hadn't stepped in.

The doctor emerged from the room where he was treating the other patients to give you the results. He was followed out by two people you knew well. It was Kim Sodam and Suho, who had his gaze fixed firmly on the floor. You had an idea of where this was going...

Kim Sodam noticed you and Onew first, and quickly went back into the room, her hands covering her face. This sudden movement caused Suho to look up and go after her, his arms hanging loosely by his sides. Onew went to get up, his brow furrowed, but you put your hands on his to stop him.

The doctor gave you the results, and as you expected, nothing much was wrong. You collapsed during practice because you had a low iron content that day, which was common enough. It could easily be fixed. Of course, Onew completely overreacted. He stood up, too quick for you to stop him, and went to the pharmacy to buy some iron tablets for you. You rolled your eyes at him.

You thanked the doctor for his time before going into the room where you saw Suho and Kim Sodam suspiciously going into. You softly knocked on the door as you walked in, making Suho jump up, alert. Kim Sodam was staring blankly at the wall opposite her, while Suho was rubbing her back.

"Uh...unnie? If I may ask, why are you at the the doctors? And why did you run back into here when you saw me and Onew oppa? You know I'll listen to you," You sounded more hurt than you actually were.

"Ah...chingu..." She drifted, glancing at Suho, who nodded, before continuing. "You might have already guessed, but I'm pregnant," She sighed, finally making eye contact with you, and she had a dim, tired smile on her face. She hadn't been sleeping properly for days.

"C-Congratulations," You said gently, curious about how Suho would deal with this alongside his career at SMent. And would he react to all this?

"Thank you... Only you and Kai know, so feel free to talk to him about it... But, please, let us tell the others on our own accord. I know that I can trust my chingu!" Kim Sodam grinned.

"Of course!" You said, reaching out to her for a hug, which she obviously needed, and gladly accepted. You both did your happy, excited dance, with a little less enthusiasm than before. You were all exhausted here...

"We'll organise something later, so we can announce the news to our closest friends," Suho informed, a small smile creeping across his face. He was hiding his excitement, you could tell! You were so glad that he could support Kim Sodam if she needed him. After the other day in the park, you were pretty sure that she would need him.

"Okay!" You said, giving Suho a hug too. As you left, you saw him kiss her on the forehead. Aigoo.. so cute...

You opened the door and Onew was on the other side, just about to enter.

"Are they in there?"

"Uh, no, it's empty," You replied, relieved that you were such a good liar.

Onew simply frowned, and you walked home together.

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