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"Look, she's obviously exhausted, and slightly traumatised," Minho sighed.

"Well, we have to get her home somehow!" Key exclaimed.

"Really? I thought we'd just leave her here on the street.." Jonghyun teased sarcastically.

You weren't in the right mind set to comprehend sarcasm.

"Please don't leave me.." You uttered weakly.

Everyone looked accusingly at Jonghyun.

"What!? It was a joke, you know that!" He protested.

"She can't even stand properly," Taemin said, you were putting all your weight on him.

"Right, give her here," Minho decided, Taemin helping you get onto Minho's back.

"Got her?"

"Yep, let's get out of here,"

You just continued tom rest your head on someone's shoulders, probably Minho's. Ahh, you couldn't even think straight, who else's shoulders would they be, aish! You drifted off quite peacefully.

Onew was standing there, processing what he had just done. He was biting his already bleeding lip, hand shaking.

"Hyung, we need to get you cleaned up.. there's even blood on your shirt," Jonghyun said.

Onew ignored him and changed the subject back to you.

"I knew there was something wrong when she wasn't there. She would support us no matter what, and she wasn't there! So what did I do, go look for her? No. I finished singing our new song, which was for her, and then I found her when it was too late. How hopeless am I? And, even better, she saw what I did to those two guys.. Great, just great,"

"Don't think about it too much, she'll barely remember this, she seems pretty out of it anyway. Cheer up, she loves you! It's not like she won't forgive you," Jonghyun comforted.

"But that's exactly what I'm worried about, that she's okay, and that she'll forgive me.. For everything,"

"Don't be such a downer!" Key yelled.

Onew sighed, and didn't let you out of your sight all the way home.

Once you were back, you gently slid off Minho's back and landed on the sofa. You curled up into a little ball and closed your eyes tight. Someone laid beside you, so that your heads were next to one another. Whoever it was whispered apologies to you and then he began to sing. You hadn't heard the song before, but you listened to his voice until you both fell asleep.

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