Hangovers and Broken Glass

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After a while of staying in a panicked state with Onew, you decided to wake up the others before finding Jonghyun. You played rock, paper, scissors to see who had to wake up each members. Onew had to wake up Key and Taemin, while you had to wake up Minho.

You both took one last glance at each other before embarking on your missions. Luckily for you, you only had to deal with Minho.

You walked on tiptoes towards Minho, avoiding the bottles scattered across the floor. As you got closer, you saw the fragments of glass, and you swore under your breath as you remembered Minho breaking all those bottles. You crouched down and stretched your arm out to gently shake Minho, while not having to step on the glass.

At first, Minho refused to move, but as you continued to shake him, he started to shake his head. You kept at it, desperate to for him get up. Minho made a sudden movement that shocked you. He latched onto your hand and pulled you forward. You gasped, and let out a quiet noise of pain, as some of the glass cut into your skin and clothes. Fortunately, when you fell on Minho, he woke up properly, and couldn't stop apologising for minutes. He wiped a few tears away from your eyes with a concerned look in his eyes. You hadn't even noticed that you were crying, you weren't in that much pain.

Onew, who had managed to get Taemin up, noticed you and Minho, and was by your side before you knew it, shouting at Minho for being 'so stupid'. Taemin, still regaining conciousness, was happy observing this situation from a safe distance. You wished that you were a safe distance away too..

"How could you be so stupid!" Onew shouted. "(Y/N) could be seriously hurt because of your drunken actions! Think before you do, Minho!"

"I've said I'm sorry a million times, I can't do anything else!" Minho retaliated.

"How about.. helping (y/n), or cleaning up the glass, or getting Key awake, or finding Jonghyun, who has disappeared into thin air!? How about any of that stuff, have you thought about any of that yet?!"

"How about you back off! You know I have a hangover, so be considerate with your shouting! I was going to get around to all of that, but you stopped me because you wanted to have a rant at me!"


Minho just glared at Onew. You seriously thought that he was going to set Onew on fire with his gaze. Gulping and sweating over the tension wasn't going to help for much longer. You pleaded with them in your head to not hit each other, because it looked like a fight was about to break out. Just as Minho was standing up to face Onew, Key had been awoken by the shouting, and wanted to join in.

"JUST SHUT UP, WE DRANK TOO MUCH LAST NIGHT TO BE SHOUTING!" Key was swaying towards the three of you, contradicting himself by shouting. When his vision cleared, he jumped backwards at the sight of the blood dripping from your left hand.

Key squealed and picked you up, giving Onew and Minho a 'I'm disappointed in you' look. He tutted and sat you down on the sofa. You saw him running off to get something to clean up the blood. Taemin sat next to you and opened up your hand. He looked at you, "Does it hurt?". You almost laughed at him, as his voice was hoarse and almost non-existent. "A bit, but I feel like it looks like it hurts more than it actually does,". You gave Taemin a convincing smile. It actually hurt quite a lot.

Onew was stood behind the sofa and wrapped his arms around you. He apologised for being so dramatic with Minho, and told you that they had agreed not to fight any more. You looked over your shoulder at Onew who looked apologetic, and you noticed Minho on his phone in the background.

"Jonghyun's not answering his phone.." Minho announced.

"Just leave a voice mail, and keep trying," Taemin instructed.

Key came rushing back in with cotton wool pads, tweezers, and antiseptic. You were already dreading the antiseptic, as you hadn't used it since you scraped your knee in primary school, and after using it you threw it away in anger and agony. Key sat on your other side and looked at your hand.

"Okaaayyy... this is probably going to hurt a lot, so in advance, I'm really sorry," Key said while picking up the tweezers.

"Are you sure we can't do anything else, like anything?" You asked, apprehensive of the tweezers.

" It'll be over before you know it," Key promised.

You started taking deep breathes.

"Come on! Stop shaking! I'll never be able to take this glass out if you won't stay still," Key fussed. "Taemin, keep her hand steady,"

Taemin clasped your hand and Key began to take the small shards of glass out one by one.

"Now for the antiseptic,"

"Nononononono, please no, that will definitely hurt!" You exclaimed.

"We have to do it! Wha- hey, is that Jonghyun over there?" Key asked.

You had been fooled, and so had Minho, Onew, and Taemin, as you all looked to the door where Key had pointed to. Mischievously, Key had distracted you as he poured the antiseptic over your hand. As soon as it touched your skin, you felt a burning sensation spreading through your hand. You floundered your hand around, hissing in pain. You shook Taemin off and jumped around. Shaking your hand, you sighed and flopped back on the sofa.

"There, all better now," Key grinned.

All you did was close your eyes.

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