Stress Relief

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"Come on, we need to get you out of the house to blow off some steam! You seem stressed..." Minho advised.

"I am NOT stressed," You replied bluntly.

"You just completely proved my point!" He said slyly.

It was the end of your first full week at SMent, and it had been tough. Of course you were stressed! Who wouldn't be? You only wanted to make sure that you wouldn't disappoint anyone. And you had to be likeable, and polite, and nice, and...amazing, otherwise you would get zero support from fans. You had a feeling that you would have to rely heavily on their dedication once you debuted. You hadn't forgotten about Kim Sodam and Suho's news either...

"Well, how am I going to de-stress myself? Because at the moment, it seems pretty impossible," You sighed.

"I always play basketball at the weekends, so why don't you come along. The others won't mind a newcomer!"

"Who are you calling a newcomer?! I've played basketball before!" You said confidently.

"If you say so..." Minho smiled at you, just as confidently.

You were dropped off at the sports hall by Key, who was going to the nearby shopping centre.

"Now you kids have fun!" He said, winking at Minho, which earned him a smack on the hand.

He drove off, leaving you two alone again.

"It's this way," Minho pointed, to the top of all these stairs in front of you.

"Up all those?" You asked, hoping that you were wrong. You did not feel like climbing that many stairs.

"Yep! Let's go! I'll race you," Minho shouted, already starting.

"Hey! That's not fair, you got a head start!" You whined, while trying your best to catch up. He stopped, turned around, and stuck his tongue out at you before he kept going.

"GAME ON!" You declared, loud enough for the whole town to hear.

Minho underestimated your abilities. Hara's dance practices were serving you well. You started going up two or three steps at a time, and passed Minho. He hadn't processed you passing him, and you were waiting for his reaction at the top of the stairs.

As he hadn't noticed you, he turned around on the last step to see where you were. He was very confused, so you put him out of his misery and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around quickly, and was extremely surprised to see you behind him.

"How did you get there?!?" Minho exclaimed.

"Easily!" You retorted smartly.

"Hm.. I'll get you back for this!" He joked, pulling an evil face, squinting. You giggled, as it was more cute than scary.

"I mean it!" He insisted, but that only made you laugh harder.

You finally entered the sports hall and went to the basketball court. You could see that there were five or six people already in there. Minho held the open for you, and as you went through, they all stopped playing, and looked at you. You smiled nervously, waiting for Minho to introduce you to them.

"Guys, this is (y/n)!" Minho said, breaking the silence. You saw two of them whispering to each other, and you instantly became curious.

"Uh, what are you whispering about?" You whispered to them. It was a genuine question, but the laughed as if it was a joke.

They gave you their names, and you were happy that you were able to remember who was who. There was Kwangyeon, who was really loud, Joonji, who looked like he was good at basketball, Chulwan, who was very tall, Haneul, who was handsome; you had to admit, and Jeongmi, who hadn't said anything since you entered. After chatting, they continued their basketball game, while you stepped into the changing room to get into your sports kit.

When you walked in, Minho had just scored, which caused one team to groan, and one to cheer. You heard Kwangyeon whistle at you, and you rolled your eyes at him, while Minho cast a steely glare at him.

"What?! She's not your girlfriend!" Kwangyeon said.

"No..." Minho mumbled.

"Umm, hello? I do have a boyfriend though!" You clarified.

"What?! Oh well, he's not here!" Kwangyeon persisted.

That comment caused everyone to look at Kwangyeon, accusingly. Jeongmi shook his head, Joonji face palmed, and Haneul looked away, embarrassed by his hyung's behaviour.

"You cant say that!" Jeongmi finally piped up.

"It was a joke! Really, I swear!" Kwangyeon sighed frustrated in disbelief.

"Let's just play another game. New game, new teams," Chulwan suggested.

You wanted to be on the winning team, because you knew that you would get teased if your team lost. If you won, you would be able to tease the others. Baring in mind that you had already beaten Minho, the sportiest person you knew, once today (although you were running up stairs), you still felt very confident about your chances of winning. Minho obviously thought about this too, and made sure that you were on his team, so that you would either win together, or lose together.

After much deliberation, it was decided that you were with Minho and Jeongmi, while the other team was Kwangyeon, Chulwan and Haneul. Joonji wanted to be the referee.

It was a very intense game, and you proved yourself to be a valuable player, to your teams delight, and the other teams dismay. You managed to defend well, but you were annoyed that you hadn't had the chance to try shooting. Last time you played basketball, you were always goal shooter, with Absy and Luke...

Distracted, you almost lost the ball to Haneul, but you kept on dribbling the ball towards the hoop, determined to score. As you were halfway across the court, Joonji started counting down from ten, shouting that the match was nearly over. You looked up at the hoop, and it was quite far away. You could have passed to Minho or Jeongmi, who would be closer to the hoop, but you became selfish and went for the shot yourself. You took a deep breath, and threw the ball, pleading it to go in. Everyone looked intently at the ball as it circled around the rim of the hoop. It went in just as Joonji reached one. You sighed in relief. You had scored a three pointer for the first time, and your team had won the game.

Jeongmi hugged you in delight, and Minho joined shortly after. Now this truly was stress relief. Each team members shook hands, saying the obligatory, "Good game,".

You were desperate to play another game, but you had been playing for way too long already. You were too lazy and tired to change back into your own clothes, plus you had dance practice with Hara later, so you didn't bother. You just put on your coat and followed Minho outside, saying your goodbyes to the guys.

"How was that for stress relief!" Minho asked, as you stepped out into the fresh air. It was so refreshing that you began to spin around, adrenaline still rushing through you.

"Be careful!" Minho warned.

"Don't worry so much! It's fun!" You said, reaching out to grab his arm, but you caught his hand instead. You both twirled like children in a playground, giggling as your hair got messed up in the wind.

Eventually you slowed down, swinging your hands back and forth, still holding Minho's. You realised what you were doing, and you took your hand away from his swiftly.

"I don't know about you, but I could use a coffee," Minho said.

"Me too," You agreed.

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