Give It All For Debut

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Another week had passed, and you were exhausted. Between preparing for debut and maintaining your friendships, you had very little time. You almost felt like giving up. Almost. But you knew that it would all be worth it. How positive of you...

You were about to leave practice a little early, as you had learnt off Hara's demanding dance routine, finished your vocal training, and wanted to go play basketball with the lads. Uh, your friends. Manager oppa caught you leaving the building with his eagle eyes, and called you over.

"Why are you leaving so early?" He asked with dead serious eyes. It made you nervous.

"Uh, I was, er, just going to play basketball with some of my friends, since I had finished practice..." Your voice got smaller and quieter as you continued.

"Ah, and, who told you that you had 'finished' practising?" He questioned further.

"Me?" You whispered in a high pitch, terrified for the onslaught you would get from him.

"You! I see! And, who told you that it was okay to stop practising, hmm? Idols don't stop rehearsing or practising, not for anything. Especially not for basketball with friends. You entered this company to debut successfully and quickly. I thought you realised that meant giving up 'extra curriculum' activities," He said roughly and curtly.

"I'm sorry.. I'll go back to the dance hall," You hung your head. No more basketball then you thought, angry with his decision.

"No, not the dance hall. The recording studio," He instructed, shoving pieces of paper in your face.

You took them off him and looked at them. There were lyrics and notes on them. It wasn't a song that you recognised. When you looked up to ask your manager what it was, he wasn't there any more.

Perplexed, you went to the recording studio. When you arrived, Jonghyun was there, leaning over the mixing consoles, half-awake. You shook his shoulder gently, and he jumped up, mumbling something in Korean.

"Are you okay?" You asked tentatively.

"Yep, fantastic," Jonghyun replied, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Are you recording in here now? Because I just got sent up by manager oppa, and I don't really know what I'm meant to be doing since he was a bit vague, sooo," You trailed off.

"No, I got sent here to help you get this song recorded," He smiled, gesturing towards the creased papers in your hands.

"Oh! Right..." You said shocked, flattening the papers as best as you could before handing them over to Jonghyun. He still couldn't look you in the eye for long after that lunch. Damn, Key was right! Jonghyun held grudges...

He was looking over the lyrics and asked, "Have you heard the backing track before?"

"Nope," You shrugged your shoulders, helplessly.

Jonghyun pressed a button on the mixer console, and the tune began to play. It had a pretty cool baseline, you had to admit that. You hoped that your image would fit into the style of the song though.

"Want to step in the booth and try the lyrics out then?" Jonghyun suggested.

You took a deep breath, stood the lyrics up on the music stand, and lifted the headphones onto your head lightly. You nodded at Jonghyun, who started up the track.

You tapped your foot and bobbed your head to the beat, which helped the lyrics flow nicely into the music. The first verse went well, in your opinion, and so did the beginning of the chorus. But, then you came across one of those dreaded high notes. You tried to sing it strongly, but your voice cracked slightly, and you shook your head as you were put off the rhythm. You picked it back up again a few lines later, but there was a gap in the lyrics where 'rap' was written. Your eyes darted around the page, and you searched frantically through the other pages to find the words to the 'rap'.

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