You're Out

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Lee Soo-man slammed an envelope on the desk in front of you, making you jump. He gestured for you to open it. You tensed up, and glanced at him once more before opening it. You pulled out the papers that were inside, and you turned them over to see photographs. Your eyes widened, and your pulse quickened as you clasped your hand over your mouth in shock. Your hand that was holding the pictures started shaking slightly. You put them down, you didn't want to look at them any longer. There were two photographs. One of you punching Kwangyeon, and one of you spitting in his face. 

"These came in this morning," Lee Soo-man said, pacing around his office, making you increasingly nervous.

"Care to explain?" He asked.

"Y-yes, sir. He attacked my younger brother, and then proceeded to attack me.. So I was defending myself," You clarified.

"And where's your evidence?"


"Your evidence? You said he attacked you and your brother. Where's your proof?" He asked.

"I- uh," You started.

"No. You have caused trouble here before you even debuted," He cut you off.

"But!"  You protested.

"Don't talk any more. You have brought too much bad publicity to this company, and to yourself.. I really did have high hopes for you, but.. this!? This is too much (y/n).. I have to let you go," He continued.

"Wait, what?"

"You're out of SM.." 

"But, sir! I swear, I was defending myself!"

"It doesn't look like it.. And this was just the tipping point.. What about your scandal with Onew, or the way people think that you cheated on him, or the way people think you play around with your friends emotions. They think that you're manipulative! And I can't have people thinking this about someone in my company. So pack your stuff. I thought I had gotten lucky with someone as talented as you, but I guess everything has a price.. And yours was too big to pay.. Good luck," Lee Soo-man told you, exiting his office.

You were left, mouth wide open, shocked, staring at the blank wall opposite you. Did you just get fired? What the hell were you going to do now!? 

You walked out of the room in a sort of daze, not paying attention to your surroundings. You bumped into a couple of walls by accident, which caused people to give you odd looks. You went up to the dance studio, where you were meant to have dance practice with Hara. You had expected her to shout at you as soon as you stepped into the room, but she didn't. She was propped up against the wall, and looked annoyed.

"Well, looks like both of us are leaving," She scoffed, shaking her fringe out of her face.

"What? Why?" You asked.

"You and I were a package deal. I only got this job because I was the only available choreographer that was fluent in English, and now that you're gone, I am too," She sighed.

"Hara...I'm so sorry," 

"Like that's going to change anything. You're apology won't get me a job, will it?" She snapped.

"Hara, I said I'm sorry.. I can't change the past, but I swear I will do my best to find you another job," You said, your voice quivering. 

A few seconds passed in silence, the two of you staring at each other from opposite ends of the room.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you," She murmured.

"It's okay.. I meant what I said,"

She hummed in response, and sunk to the ground, looking at herself in the mirrored wall. 

"See you around," You said, leaving the SM building for who knew how long.

Your first instinct was to call someone, anyone really, anyone who could understand. You were scrolling through your contacts, when a phone number caught your eye. It was one you hadn't called before. You stared at it for a while, making your decision, and you pressed dial. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, this is Teddy,"

"Hi Teddy, it's (y/n)...."

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