Is That You?

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You were trying to sleep off the events that happened yesterday when Jonghyun trudged into your room grumpily and threw your phone at you.

"What was that for?!" You asked, sitting upright.

Jonghyun left the room in silence, his eyes half closed. You leaned over to check the time on your alarm clock and it was 1am. You checked your phone and it buzzed violently in your hand. That's why he was so annoyed... You must have left it in his room by accident. You answered it anyway, despite the time.

"(Y/N)? Is that really you in a freaking music video!??! With a hot guy!!!"

Ugh, you could tell who it was already. "Abbey, stop! Your hurting my ears! You do realise it's one in the morning for me?" You whispered at her, as angrily as possible.

"Oops!" She started whispering too.

"Was that it?" You, sighed, rubbing your eyes.

"Nope! I have one question, and two things to tell you, so listen up,"

You sighed again, not forgetting the last time you two spoke to each other.

"Okay, sooo, is that your boyfriend that we met in your music video??"

"NO! My boyfriend is Onew, the guy in the music video is Minho, and the one you met is Taemin," You recited, groaning frustratedly at all these boyfriend speculations.

"Okay... Next point! It's important. Umm, your brother.. he really needs your help right now.. he's not in a great place,"

"What do you mean?" You questioned, waking up fully and turning on the lights.

"Your parents have kicked him out!"

"WHAT? WHY?" You shouted, pacing around your room in circles.

"I don't know! I didn't know what to do, so I called you.. He's been crashing at Luke's house for the past couple of days,"

"And I'm only being told now?!! No, he is NOT staying at Luke's for any longer. Get him on the next plane to South Korea now," You instructed.

"But how? None of us have that kind of money!"

She had a point, but, when it came down to it, you would spend any amount of money to keep him safe. Even if he didn't think so..

"I'll pay for it online. All you have to do is get him to the airport on time, please," You told her, shaking, repulsed by how desperate you sounded.

Just then, Taemin appeared in the doorway, his head tilted to one side as he tried to figure out what was going on.

"Umm, okay (y/n). Oh, and the last thing I wanted to tell you was that.. I'm sorry," She said, nervously before hanging up.

You slammed your phone down on your bed, and picked up your laptop, booking a flight for Jason. You would ask Minho to drive you to the airport when his flight landed later on.

You could only imagine what he had done to get himself kicked out.

"What's wrong?" Taemin whispered, curiously, still conscious of his sleeping friends . You had almost forgotten that he was there.

"It's my stupid brother.." You mumbled, as Taemin nodded in understanding and sat next to you on your bed.

"You should go back to sleep," Taemin told you, laying your blanket over you and tucking you in.

"Says you!" You poked him, and pointed at the door.

"Touché," Taemin sighed, leaving you to sleep and waving goodbye. He turned out the light and shut your door on his way out carefully, so he wouldn't make too much noise.


"Why don't you ever answer your stupid phone?!" Jonghyun yelled, shaking you awake.

"Yah!" You yelled back, jumping up, snatching your phone out of his hand. It was only a text this time. After giving one last glare at Jonghyun, you read the message. It read 'can you come pick me up from the airport please'. It had a smiley face after it. You had to go to the airport already? It felt like you hardly slept at all.

You were sat in the car next to Minho within a matter of minutes. You were looking out of the window at the cars that were passing you, driving the opposite way. Your leg was bouncing up and down slightly, and you were biting your fingernails, which was a bad habit you thought you had gotten rid of.

"He'll be okay here, you know. I promise I'll look after him," Minho smiled.

"How? He doesn't even speak one word of Korean!"

"I'll teach him! Key will help too," He said, staying optimistic.

You turned your gaze back to the window, watching some birds fly past.

"Just stop worrying!" Minho laughed, placing his hand gently on your shaky leg, trying to stop your nerves. You simply looked at Minho, who quickly lifted his hand off your leg which had stopped shaking, but now felt tingly.

Minho parked, and you got out of the car and walked to the airport.

You were frantically searching for your brother through the crowds, but he wasn't in sight. Minho even lifted you up so you could get a better view, but there was still nothing. Your brother was just being a sneaky little squirt, and he grabbed you from behind, scaring the life out of you. He was about to take a punch from Minho, but, luckily, you were in between them, but Jason did get a few smacks from you anyway, because he made you scream like crazy. Now people were giving you odd looks.

"Ohhh, so this is you boyfriend.."

"No!! Oh, and hi to you too, and, you're welcome for the flight and for temporary accommodation," You said, putting your hands on your hips.

Jason looked down at his feet, knocking them together, while pouting.

"So? What happened?" You sighed.

"I may or may not have... uh, he can't understand English, right?" He asked.

"Not really, but just tell me already!"

"Alright! Impatient much..." He grumbled. You gave him a 'you're dead' look.

"Fine, fine! Sorry! Okay, I might have lit a match, which might have turned into a little fire, which might have burned down part of a certain building... By accident!"

"Oh, yeah, you got kicked out because of an 'accident',"

"I did! Don't you believe me?!"

"For now, yeah, sure,"

"Okay... and thanks, for paying for the flight, and for letting me stay with you,"

"You're welcome for the plane ticket, but you'll have to thank Minho, Onew, Taemin, Key and Jonghyun for letting you stay with us - temporarily!" You told him.

He immediately went to thank Minho, which made you slightly less angry with him, but he was still definitely sleeping on the sofa..

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