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"TAEMIN! You better be ready for our flight!" You shouted from your room, trying to close your overflowing suitcase.

"When are we leaving again?" Taemin asked sheepishly.

"TAEMIN, for the hundredth time, we are leaving in half an hour - that's thirty minutes!!!! Key, sit on my suitcase so I can shut it!"

"Do you think I'm fatter than the others?! That their weight won't help shut it but mine will?!!!!" Key was astonished, and turned his diva mode on.

"KEY, JUST DO IT! I asked you because you were the closest to me!" You were extremely stressed.

Thankfully, Key grudgingly sat down on your suitcase, and it did help you close it. You sighed happily and relieved, as you plonked your bag by the door. You scanned your room and the bathroom, just in case you had missed something, but it didn't look like it. You took a sip of ice cold water before checking up on Taemin's progress... which was non-existent...

"....Taemin...If you are not ready for this flight, I will go without you," You threatened, warning him.

"No you won't," He replied cheerfully, flashing you an innocent smile.

You frowned at him, stuck your tongue out at him, and stomped off to drink some more water to calm you down. You slumped on the sofa, checking your watch far too often. Onew came up from behind you and started massaging your shoulders.


"You're welcome... I'm going to miss you, you know?"

"Yeah, I'm going to miss you to... but it's only for two days now. Originally Taemin was meant to be in America for a week with me!"

"I don't think he would be able to cope for that long!" Onew chuckled.

"HEY! I CAN HEAR YOU!" Taemin shouted from his room.

You were finally at peace, but your thoughts kept disturbing you. You still haven't told anyone that you were coming back. You were just going to turn up at school, say bye, turn up at your parents house, say bye, and leave the next day. Great plan! Not.

Okay, now Taemin was pushing it, you both needed to leave for the airport.

"Come on Taemin, let's go!" You called.

He rushed through the living room and out the door, with his suitcase. You assumed this meant he was ready to leave, so you followed him out. You put your suitcase in the boot of the taxi, and you were planning to get in, but Onew grabbed your wrist, turned you around and pulled you in for a kiss.

"See you soon, and call me when you get the chance," He whispered into your ear.

You could do nothing but smile, and neither could he, but you just about managed to nod. Behind him you could see Key jumping up and down in excitement, flailing his hands around, accidentally hitting Jonghyun and Minho several times.

You waved goodbye as you got into the taxi.

When you arrived at the airport, you almost got completely lost, but Taemin seemed to be able to find his way around okay. You managed to get to your gate number just fine. As you were getting on the plane, you began to get nervous. You always did before taking off in a plane.

Taemin tapped your arm and you thought he was going to try to comfort you. You turned around and he was smiling.

"What?" You asked.

"Can I have the window seat? Pleeeaasssee..."

"Sure," You laughed at Taemin's child-like request.

"Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take-off. We hope you enjoy your flight,"

You heard the pilot's announcement and had a mint to help with your nerves. You saw Taemin looking at you expectantly, so you reluctantly handed him one of your mints too. You listened to your music and shared headphones with Taemin the entire flight. You decided to start with iKon's song 'Airplane' since you thought it was fitting. You both hummed along to the melody during take-off.

As Taemin gradually became more engrossed with the view outside his window, you were left to yourself for the rest of the journey. Soon enough you could see the mainland. This was all going too fast for your liking.

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