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"Come on! You have to go to school! At least try it," You said.

"No way! I still want to be an artist. That hasn't changed,"

"I, of all people, understand that, but just go to school for now, please Jason. I swear I'll get you into the best arts university if you do this," You offered.

"Well, I still don't know any Korean,"

"I thought Minho and Key were teaching you,"You said, folding your arms.

"They were! And I guess I learned a few words.. but we stopped because Taemin wanted to play video games with us... soooo we did,"

"Typical.. But the point is, you do know some Korean. You'll learn even more really fast by going to school too,"

"Fine, but I'm not walking,"

"Lazy! Just for your first day. I'll drive you, get in the car," You compromised.

"Since when did you drive?" He questioned you suspiciously.

"Since Minho oppa taught me after he was fed up with driving Onew oppa around," You told him, dropping your head down at the mention of Onew.

Jonghyun had told you not to think about it, but somehow, your conversations always ended up with him. Jason noticed, but ignored it on purpose, continuing to ask you questions.

"Why do you call them oppa? It's weird.."

"It's not weird over here! You should be calling me noona, and them hyungnim. And I can call you dongsang if I want to," You laughed, seeing his expression.

You started the car while Jason shook his head at you. You sighed bitter sweetly; you knew he would never, ever, call you noona.

You looked at the wing mirror, and you could see a motorcyclist drive up beside you in the next lane along.

"Hey (y/n)! He wants to race!" Jason pointed out of your window, leaning over you.

"Yah! Jason, get off! I'm driving! And before you ask, no, I'm not going to race him," You sighed, pushing your brother off you.

"Aww, why not? It'll be fun!"

"No, it'll be dangerous," You said sensibly.

Jason huffed and turned around to look out of his window, his back facing you. You stopped at a red light, and looked to see if the motorcyclist was still there. They weren't.

The silence was growing increasingly awkward, so you began to tap your fingers on the wheel while waiting for the light to go green.

Finally, it was green, and you put your foot down on the accelerator pedal.

"Would you stop with the freaking tapping!?!" Jason yelled, slamming his hands down on your fingers. He hadn't realised that the light went green.

The steering wheel slipped to the right, and you were too late taking your foot off the pedal. You immediately switched to the break pedal, but by that time, a car in the next lane had slammed into the side of your car.

It felt like everything was in slow motion. You could see the metal of the car denting, as it slowly crushed your hand between the steering wheel and the car door. The crash sent you into a metal barrier, which only increased the pressure on your hand.

You shut your eyes tight due to the excruciating pain, ad you heard three of your fingers snap. Your eyes flicked, and your vision blurred. Your heart dropped, making you feel sick and dizzy. You tried getting your hand out of the trap, but you couldn't without breaking any more bones. All you did was put yourself in more pain.

Your eyes were wet, and you wiped them with your other hand. You began to tremble seeing that it was blood, rather than the tears you expected.

You could see your phone buzzing violently on the car floor, and for once, you had a good excuse to ignore it.

You turned to see if Jason was safe. His head was hanging down, limp, his chin resting against his chest. His seatbelt was constricting him, but was keeping him upright at the same time. You screamed at him, but he didn't move a muscle. You kept screaming until your voice grew hoarse, and until you were no longer making any sound. Guilt and dread consumed you.

You hadn't even seen what happened to him.

You reached over, and searched for the button to undo his seatbelt. You pressed it, and his slack body crashed against the window, cracking the glass and making an unsettling noise, which made you wince.

A woman startled you by opening the car door, but you stayed as calm as possible, to get as much help as you could.

"Please, get my brother out first," You coughed, overcome with emotions. You were freaking out inside.

She nodded in agreement, after noticing that your hand was trapped. She went around the other side of the car, checked your brother's pulse, and tried to shake him into consciousness. He wasn't stirring.

Seeing her persistence, and seeing how pale Jason looked made you burst into tears. The woman nervously glanced up at you, before returning to shake Jason awake.

The noise of approaching sirens pierced your ear drums, and made you want to cry even more.

One of the emergency service workers ran up and kept asking you questions. You really did try to answer, but you were struggling to form coherent Korean sentences in your state of shock. Meanwhile, another person was cutting off the steering wheel to free your hand.

You saw that your hand was no longer stuck, but you felt no different. You were still in pain. You could only feel pain.

Much of what happened next was a blur to you, but you remembered seeing your brother loaded into one ambulance on a stretcher, while you were put into a different one. They advised you to rest, despite your restless nature, and unanswered questions. Reluctantly, and involuntary, you felt your eyelids fall.


"(Y/N)'s not picking up her phone, and neither is Jason! She said she would be here for the meeting by now," Taemin complained.

"She never answers her phone any way," Jonghyun mumbled.

"She's probably running late because she wants to make sure Jason settles in okay at his new school," Minho calmed Taemin down.

"If you say so.... but manager hyung will still be annoyed that she's late," Taemin sighed.

Onew burst into the room, panic-stricken, with irregular breathing patterns.

"I just got a call from the hospital....(Y/N) and Jason have been in a car crash,"

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