Moving On

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You just kept walking down the street, with absolutely no idea where you were going. You hoped that Jonghyun might know, but it didn't seem like he did. Usually, you would freak out at the thought of getting lost in an unfamiliar place, but you knew everything would be okay. Plus, you were enjoying the walk, despite the weather.

Jonghyun was good at keeping your mind off things. One minute, you were exchanging stories about your siblings, the next, you were debating the best ice cream flavour. This was the best therapy you had ever gotten.

"Is it just me, or do you feel like eating ice cream too?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do actually!" You laughed.

You went into the nearest convenience shop, and hoped that ice cream would be sold there. A blast of warm air from the entrance of the shop messed up your hair, covering your eyes. Jonghyun giggled at you as he tried to help you fix it, but neither of you were very good at hair styling, believe it or not.

You saw a freezer at the back of the shop, and you ran over to it to pick out some ice cream. You grabbed the last two, and went over to Jonghyun to ask which flavour he wanted.

"There are only these two flavours left, which one would you like?" You asked, waving the ice creams at him.

"Whichever one you don't want," He replied, looking over to the other side of the shop.

"What're you looking at?" You said, standing on your tiptoes to try and see over the shelves.

"I have an idea," He grinned, and walked to where he was looking.

You followed him curiously. It was a whole aisle dedicated to snap-back caps! They reminded you of the purple one you wore in your first music video. You browsed through all the caps, and you could see why Jonghyun wanted to try them on. They were definitely his style. You looked behind you to see him posing with a red cap in front of a mirror. You chuckled and went to go pay for the ice creams.

As you were paying, Jonghyun put a cap on your head, tilted to the side. You straightened the hat, and thanked the lady who was serving you. She smiled, glancing back and forth between you and Jonghyun, which made you blush a little. This better not create any more rumours..

You took the cap off to look at it properly. It was green and black, with a black outline of a star in the middle. You decided to put it back on the shelf. Jonghyun caught you and snatched it out of your hand.

"Hey! What are you doing! This is yours!" He exclaimed, stubbornly placing the hat back on your head.

You saw that he was wearing a similar cap. His was red instead of green, and had a black outline of a gem on it, rather than a star. Jonghyun quickly went to pay for the caps before you had the chance to take it off again.

"Would you mind taking a picture of us please?" Jonghyun asked politely, handing his phone to the lady at the cash register.

"Of course," She smiled again.

She gave Jonghyun's phone back. You were both laughing at the pictures.

"You two are a lovely couple," She commented.

"Oh, we're not a couple," You said simultaneously with Jonghyun, making you two laugh even more.

You left the shop, eating your ice creams in the cold, but it was worth it. Those ice creams were really delicious. You retraced your steps, heading back to Yoogeun's house. Luckily, you got back quite quickly, since you had walked in a straight line most of the way.


"See! She's moved on already - with Jonghyun!" Onew mumbled.

"Hyung, are you joking?! Jonghyun is trying to cheer her up, and you are jealous. You have no right to be jealous either, since you're the one who broke up with her!" Key shouted.

"I didn't break up with her, she broke up with me!" Onew denied.

"You made her break up with you! I have to agree with Key, you did say some hurtful things to her," Taemin sighed sadly.

"Why did you say she cheated on you?" Minho asked cautiously.

"Because she did! I saw her with another guy," Onew insisted.

"Are you sure it was (y/n), hyung?" Minho double-checked.

"YES! She was even wearing her favourite purple cap with her name on it! You know, the one she wore in her music video?" He explained.

Key face palmed.

"YOU PABO! THAT COULD BE ANYONE!" Key screamed, stomping his feet angrily.

"No, it was her,"

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