That One Video

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After a good hour of trying to get hold of Jonghyun over the phone, Minho gave up. You all sat in a circle, and began writing down all the places he could be.

"He likes going to the park," Taemin suggested.

"I think he'll be at the studio," Onew said.

"No! He's definitely shopping!" Key recommended.

"I don't care where he is any more. Wherever he is, I'm sure he's fine. We're over thinking the situation!" Minho ended the discussion.

Then your phone started vibrating on the table. You excused yourself from the awkward silence and reached over to grab your phone. You thought it might be someone who was also on the exchange so you started with, "Hello?".

"Uh...Hello?" They hesitated before replying.

You realised that this person was not expecting to hear someone speaking English, so you reverted to Korean, "Annyeonghaseyo?"


"Jonghyun? Is that you? Where are you?" You were very surprised to be getting a call from Jonghyun. You stood up and started pacing around the table in circles, as you usually did when you were talking on the phone. The others looked eagerly at you for any information about Jonghyun. You also noticed that the pacing was making Taemin nervous so you stopped and sat back down.

"Could you come to the studio as soon as you can please? I might have caused a little bit of a problem. Bring Onew with you too," he paused before continuing, "Well, actually, you might as well bring everyone else. Hurry please!" Jonghyun hung up. He sounded concerned, worried, and a little upset on the phone. You put your phone back down on the table.

"So? Where is he?" Key pestered you.

"Um.. he's at the studio,"

"See! I told you he'd be there!" Onew said, pleased with his prediction. Key rolled his eyes at Onew.

"Jonghyun wants us to get there as soon as possible. Something's wrong," You told them.

"What's wrong?" Taemin asked.

"I don't know... He hung up before I had a chance to ask. Whatever it is though, he's worried about it,"

"What has Jonghyun done now..." Minho face-palmed, shaking his head in disdain.

You all put on your shoes and started to walk to the studio. Every now and again you gave each other nervous glances, as you imagined how bad Jonghyun's problem was.

Jonghyun was waiting for you just inside the building, and he ran to hug everyone.

"Let us breath before you tell us what's wrong!" Onew chuckled.

"Oh, sorry, I've just been freaking out over this stupid thing that I've done for ages...while I have a hangover,". The others nodded their heads, understanding how bad the hangover must be. Jonghyun drank the most, after Key.

Jonghyun was almost crying, his eyes were glistening. You noticed and gave him a hug. You could feel him shaking. "I'm sure it's not that bad," You consoled Jonghyun. Before the hug ended he whispered,"They're going to hate me,". As you stepped out of the hug, you looked at him with wide eyes, wondering what he'd done.

"So, confess Jonghyun! What did you do?" Taemin said. Jonghyun laughed a little at Taemin's gravelly voice. He took a deep breath.

"I don't know if you remember much of last do I say was a video that I took. It was just for fun, you know. It was of the karaoke, with me, Onew and (y/n). But before I stopped recording I spun around and you could see everyone else - we all looked so hammered...,"

"But that's fine! Don't be silly!" You said.

"No..that's not it. I...I thought it was a good idea at the time, and.. well, I uploaded it on the internet. I'M SO SORRY!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME," Jonghyun strained his voice even further and burst into tears, flying into Taemin's arms. Taemin stood shocked, gently patting Jonghyun on the back. Everyone looked at Onew, who was furious, but he didn't want to be too harsh on Jonghyun, who was obviously distraught and sorry.

Onew knelt down next to the blubbering Jonghyun. "Jonghyun... You know that manager hyung will be very angry,".

Jonghyun nodded his head violently, refusing to look at Onew.

"You do realise that this damages our reputation by a lot, we'll lose so much respect because of this,"

Jonghyun turned to face Onew, "I've been trying for hours to get it down from every website I can find it on, I promise I have!" Jonghyun hiccuped.

"Let's just watch the video first. Maybe it's not as bad as you think Jjong," Minho said, attempting to resolve the issue.

"Mm-kay," Jonghyun agreed. He brought you all over to the computer and played it. You were all watching in silence. The video lasted for far too long. Even you were embarrassed, and you weren't drunk! You dreaded to think how the others would react. The video had recorded you singing, Onew and Jonghyun dancing with you, Key handing Taemin a drink, Key shouting at Minho, and Minho breaking those damned bottles. It was just as bad as Jonghyun had described it.

When the video was over, Jonghyun sunk into his chair, as he turned around to face the others. The silence continued, everyone was speechless. Then Onew piped up, much angrier after seeing the video, "Jonghyun... HOW STUPID COULD YOU BE! YOU MIGHT HAVE JUST RUINED OUR CAREERS!," Onew was shaking with anger. A few tears escaped from Jonghyun's eyes, but Onew wasn't finished. "I hope you know that this is your fault," Onew punched the desk, covering his face with his other hand, and you could see that he was about to cry too. You gently tapped him on on the shoulder, and you said, "Do you want to take a breather outside?". You tried to be as soothing as possible. He walked outside without giving you a response, but grasped your hand to tell you that he wanted you to come with you. You followed him, while signalling to the others to calm Jonghyun down, as he was hyperventilating in his chair.

Onew wiped his tears away before looking at you properly. He sighed unsteadily, "Do you think I was too harsh on him?"

"No...I just think that the punch was a bit dramatic!" You laughed with Onew.

"I was just angry, and I wasn't going to hit anyone!" He justified his actions.

"You still scared them! I could see Taemin backing up, ready to run!" You joked.

"Now that's exaggerating.." Onew pouted. You looked at each other.

"Feel any better?" You asked.

"Yeah.." Onew smiled, "Thanks,"

"No problem!"

"Let's get rid of this video," Onew said, striding back into the building with a determined expression.

Jonghyun was no longer crying, but he still tensed up when he saw Onew. You gave them thumbs up to tell them that Onew wasn't so angry any more. You could see them relax slightly after that.

"So which websites are left to take the video off of?" Onew smiled at Jonghyun who gave him a hug in return.

You looked at Key and you both rolled your eyes at the situation, giggling with each other.

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