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You headed over to the nearest coffee shop with Minho. He offered to order for you, but you insisted. You liked to get your coffee perfect. While you ordered, Minho found a place to sit.

It was very quiet, but that was probably because it was late. There was only one other person in there, using the free WiFi on their phone.

Since it was so empty, your order arrived quickly. You checked to see if Minho was looking before you added a bit of cream and chocolate sprinkles onto your coffee. You didn't want to seem like you had too much of a sweet tooth, but you needed the sugar to balance the bitterness of the coffee.

As you picked up the tray again, Minho looked over saying, "Be careful!"

You stuck your tongue out at him before continuing.

You walked over carefully with the coffees, steadying your shaky hands. The shakes were getting on your nerves lately. No amount of mints could stop them for long. You were considering moving onto tic tacs next...

Distracted by your odd train of thought, you didn't notice the cable strung across the floor, by the guy who was charging his phone. You got your right foot slightly tangled in it, so you began to hop to keep your balance, while panicking in English. The coffee was swaying back and forth precariously in the cups, but only a few drops had escaped onto the tray.

Minho rushed over to help, and stopped any disasters from happening. After he had assisted you in regaining your balance, he loosened the cable chord so you could easily get your foot out.

"No matter how many times I tell you to be careful, you just won't!"

"I'm sorry, I promise to be super careful next time.." You said, grabbing a napkin to wipe up the few spilt droplets.

"Pinky promise?" He asked.

"Uh.. yeah," You replied hesitantly.

This wasn't anything, right? Minho knows that and so do you. But why were you feeling guilty.. Think it through properly..

Would you be okay telling Onew about this?


Would he overreact?

Noooo... well...

Ahh, why are you even thinking about all this?! Don't be stupid, you're not breaking any rules, you were friends having coffee together. Yes, that's all.

You shook your head at your own thoughts, and you hadn't noticed that Minho was still looking at you. He grinned.

"Haha! You're so cute," He said, before taking the tray off you and sitting at the table, innocently sipping on his coffee.

You laughed nervously and sat opposite him. You wrapped your hands around the cup, warming them up. A little coffee spilled over the side.

"Oh, dammit," You grumbled, grasping for yet another napkin to clean up your mess. As you went to put the soggy napkin in the bin, Minho clasped your right hand, one on top and one underneath yours.

"Why are you shaking? You're not nervous are you?!!" He winked, but made it clear that his question was serious.

"Ahh, I don't know... lack of sleep?" You said, the first thing that came to your mind.

"You should have told me if it was sleep deprivation, I wouldn't have brought you to a coffee shop if I knew that!" He exclaimed.

"No! I would have had a coffee anyway because I have dance practice later," You excused.

"You shouldn't go to that dance practice either," Minho advised.

"But you know I will! My dancing is my weakest point,"

"Yeah, I know.. you might be the most stubborn person I know," He played with you.

"Oh, really?" You challenged.

"After Key, of course, he's the stubborn king!" He joked.

Your coffee had finally cooled down enough for you to be able to drink it. As you were lifting it to your lips, Minho took some of the cream off the top, getting some on your nose.

"Yah! That was my cream," You pouted, wiping the cream off of your nose.

"If you didn't want it to be stolen, you should have put some on mine too!" He tried to justify his actions.

"You want cream?!" You asked rhetorically, as you scooped up the remaining cream and threw it at him.

You got cream everywhere. You thought that he might be very angry with you, but, luckily for you, he smiled. As you were waiting for him to respond, the clock caught your eye.

"Shoot! I'm going to be late!" You said, while standing up and putting on your coat to leave.

"I told you that you shouldn't go!" Minho sighed.

"And I told you that I was going anyway!" You replied, whilst walking out of the coffee shop. As you shut the door gently behind you, you waved goodbye to a pouting Minho.

A Coincidence (SHINee fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now