Chapter 4.

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"Thankyou so much for coming today!" Mr Thomas smiles.

"No problem, we enjoyed it!" Ashley says shaking his hand. "And thankyou girls!" He smiles looking around sir.

"No worries, we had fun!" I reply, Clara nodding in agreement.

"Well you little miss." Ashley says pointing at Clara. "You can really dance!"

"Thankyou!" She says blushing and looking down at the floor.

"Well we best be off." Danielle says checking her watch.

We watch as they all climb aboard their coach. I wave to Perri when he looks back.

20 minutes later and the school is back to its normal self. It seems so quiet now that Diversity aren't here. I don't like it.
I check my phone for the time. 4pm. I push it back into my pocket and link arms with Clara. We walk down the school drive and along the pavement; heading home.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask as we approach my house.

"I can't, family meal thing." She sighs rolling her eyes.

"Aha fun!" I say sarcastically. "Let me know if you are free tomorrow."

I walk up my driveway and open the front door, stepping into the house. I slide my feet out of my shoes and dump my bag at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey Arch." I smile ruffling his hair.

"Hiya!" He chimes.

I head into the kitchen, my mum and Jason sat at the table. I grab myself a bar of chocolate and sit down next to them.

"Good day?" My mum asks looking up from the newspaper.

"It was amazing! Mum diversity came in! FRICKIN diversity!!!" I half scream.

"No way!" Jason says shocked.

"Yeah! And me and Clara got asked to help out with them!" I say proudly.

"I bet Clara was happy!" My mum chuckles. "They are the dancers that you've been to see every year, aren't they?"

"Yeah that's them!" I say biting into my Wispa.

I finish my chocolate bar and put the wrapper into the bin. I grab my bag and jog upstairs, heading into my room and closing the door behind me. I fling my bag onto my bed and slump down with it.

I flick thought my homework diary, seeing what's easy to do on a Friday night. Music coursework- that should be quick and easy.

I find my folder and a pen before plugging my phone into the charger.

I'm finishing writing my first paragraph when my phone lights up. I glance over to it. It's only twitter.


No way...

I cramble over and yank my phone off charge. I swipe across the notification and wait impatiently for it to load on my screen.

Dm from Perri: Hey! I just wanted to say thankyou for helping us out today! Even though your headteacher wasn't the nicest! 🙈

I read it over and over, a small amount of butterflies filling up my stomach. I smile down at the screen in shock.
I compose myself and begin typing.

Dm to Perri: Not worries! It was my pleasure, thankyou for coming 😌

I lock my phone and throw it into the mess of covers around me. I pick up my coursework and begin to start the next paragraph. But my screen lights up again...

Destiny. ~ Perri Kiely.Where stories live. Discover now