Chapter 28.

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"Soph?" I hear a faint voice whisper, gently shaking me. "I'm just popping to my mum's quickly, will you be okay here with Mitch?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I mumble in reply.

Perri kisses me softly on the forehead before exiting his bedroom.

I readjust myself and rub my eyes, pushing back the covers slightly. I grab my phone and check the time. 9:45am. I scroll through all the unread messages from my mum and Jason on my lock screen before placing my phone back on the bedside table.

I decide it's best to get up and head downstairs.

I push back the covers fully and slide out of Perri's bed, pulling my pyjama top down. I head out of Perri's room and jog down the stairs into the living room. Mitch is glued to the tv screen, playing some sort of video game.

"Morning Mitch!" I smile, sitting down on the end of the sofa.

"Oh, hey Sophia! I didn't hear you come down the stairs." He replies, pausing the game.

"It's cool, you were busy killing... a zombie?" I say, trying to make out the creature on the screen.

"Yeah." He chuckles. "Do you want a drink? We've got hot chocolate!"

"Ooo, that sounds good!" I smile.

Mitch puts down the controller and stands up.

"I'll do it Mitch!" I say, also standing up.

"You sure? I can do it." He replies.

"Yeah, yeah I'll do it." I smile making my way into the kitchen. "Which cupboard are the cups in?"

"Top left, next to the fridge." Mitch calls from the sofa.

"Cheers!" I chuckle.

I fill up the kettle and deposit four teaspoons of hot chocolate powder into the avengers mug I found. I bend down and place the hot chocolate back into the draw and turn around. I catch Mitch's gaze as he's looking straight at me. He looks away quickly, changing his gaze to the game.

I furrow my eyebrows and turn around as the kettle boils fully. I wait for the water to stop bubbling inside the kettle and pour it into the mug, stirring the drink at the same time. I place the kettle back into its holder and continue to stir the hot chocolate until there is no powder left.

I pick up the mug and head back into the living room, placing it onto the coaster. I slump back onto the sofa and watch Mitch kill a few more zombies.

"So, hear any more from your mum and that man that stormed into the studio yesterday?" Mitch asks.

"Jason? They've left me loads of messages, but I've just not opened them. I can't be bothered with them right now."

"I don't blame you! I wouldn't want to go back home to him."

"He's not normally like that." I sigh, reaching over and picking up my drink, holding the warm mug in my hands. "He scared me actually."

A key in the front door disrupts our conversation. It swings open and Perri enters carrying a Tesco's bag.

"I'm back! Thought I'd stop off and get some treats." He smirks. "That's one of my favourite mugs!" He smiles.

"Thought it would be!" I chuckle.

He leans over the sofa and kisses me quickly before heading into the kitchen to unpack the food. I finish off my drink and place the mug into the dishwasher.

"I'm going to go and get ready." I say as Perri pulls me into a loose side hug.

"Okay, I'm going to teach you that back walkover." He winks.

"You can try!" I chuckle.

I head upstairs and pull out my Nike pro leggings and loose back crop top. I change out of my tartan shorts and grey top pyjama set and into my outfit. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail and add my normal makeup before heading into the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

"Ready!" I say, hopping off the bottom stair.

We leave the house and head over to Pel's car. I climb into the passenger seat and buckle up my seatbelt.

15 minutes later and Perri pulls up next to Mitch's car and we head inside.

"Morning you two!" Dani smiles as she picks up the phone, dialling a number.

"Hey!" Me and Perri say together.

We make our way into studio one and place our things down on the side. Jordan kicks a football and I duck as it misses me by an inch.

"Omg, sorry Soph!" He says running over.

"It's cool." I chuckle, tightening my ponytail.

I readjust my leggings and catch Mitch's gaze again. I give a little smile and focus back on Perri and Jordan.

"Right, let's get this back walkover sorted." Perri smiles, clapping his hands.

"You will have to show us when you've got it." Jordan winks.

"Yeah-when!" I chuckle.

Me and Perri head into studio two and stretch out before getting started on the back walkover.

"Pel, I can't do this!" I state, redoing my ponytail for about the tenth time.

"Yes you can!" He answers pulling me up off the floor, kissing me as I straighten up.

I go into a backbend, then kick my legs up and over until they touch the floor the other side.

"WOOH!" Perri cheers.

"I did it!" I exclaim. "I actually did it!" I squeal, pulling Perri into a hug.

"I knew you could! Let's go show the others." He smirks.

"Wait, let me do it one more time, so it's not a one off."

"Fine." He chuckles.

After perfecting it, we head back into studio one where all the boys were sat around listening to Jordan telling one of his many stories.

"Have you done it?!" Ashley asks excitedly.

"Yeah!" I chuckle.

"Come on then show us!"

I show them a couple of times before jokingly bowing in front of them.

"Can you do the splits?" Jord questions.

"Yeah! I actually can!" I explain.

"You can do the splits?!" Perri says shocked turning to face me.

"Yeah!" I chuckle.

He ushers me to show him, so I drop down to the floor into a perfect vertical split.

"Why did you ask?" I question, standing up.

"I just thought, you could do a back walkover, but finish in the splits instead of standing up." He explains.

The look on my face must of said it all because all the boys burst into fits of laugher.

"Give it a try!" Perri urges.

"Okay..." I reply, unsure.

I do what Jordan said to do and actually complete it quite well. I surprised myself.

"See! I do have some good ideas!" Jordan exclaims.



How is everyone?😏

I've started to use some of your ideas in this part, mostly Erica_Sam_Craske with Mitch starting to like Sophia.

Hope your liking it!👀 don't forget to vote and comment!💙

Not that you ever do forget 😉

Christmas is upon us!🎅🎄 I hope you all have an amazing time and enjoy yourselves 🙌👌

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